I realize everyone is different, but you have to ask yourself;
'Why am I making the effort to go to a therapist?'
Remember WHY you are going.
Not all therapists are as good as the next. Just like any profession.
Shop around until you find one who does their job well. But remember, it's not about being best friends, or having a great time. You will feel uncomfortable at times.
There will be no healing or moving forward without examining in detail what makes you uncomfortable. You just have to accept that.
I believe to take steps forward in the fight against SA, you need help.
That means it's you and them together.
I say this because a lot of people think therapists are magical people who have all the answers. Those who work in mental health work in one of the toughest fields.
They deserve your respect and your effort. You must lead the fight, they assist.
There is an old saying that comes to mind here;
You can lead a horse to water, but you cant make it drink.
Your therapist can give you the tools to improve against SA, but its up to you to fully implement them in your daily life.
Good luck