Trouble metabolizing drugs... Anyone?


Well-known member
Is anyone else extremely sensitive to drugs?

I have had horrible and intense side effects from everything I have taken. For the past month I have been taking just 2.5 mg of Lexapro (1/4 of a pill) every other day and it still makes me nauseus if I'm not careful about eating enough and causes spells of increased anxiety/inner tension. It's just so frustrating. I'm also on just .5 mg of lorazepam and although that's fine now at first it made me walk a bit like a drunk person.

My psychiatrist thinks that my liver is processing things differently and that's why I'm so sensitive. Now I'm becoming paranoid that I could have damaged my liver by overdosing on over the counter pain killers in the past. Even Excedrine induced vomiting for me now and I didn't used to be like that.

Is anyone else like this? Does it always mean that your liver is damaged? Could it just be because I'm small? Also, does it make you more sensitive to things like caffeine and food additives? I guess I should have asked her more questions but of course I didn't and now I keep worrying about it.


Try an anti-emetic for your nausea such as Prochlorazine or Odansetron if you have free meds.