
READ THIS ALL... it WILL help, i promise. :D

Hey everyone, i think i seriously have something here. I have had HH ever since i can remember. i am 16 and in highschool. i got so stressed/pissed off/depressed etc. that I was stuck with this awful condition. I could not take it anymore, i had to find a way to control my sweating, which was unbearable. I used to sweat mainly in my hands and feet, but it have started to sweat on the backs of my legs (leaving an extremely embarassing stain on my pants.)

Luckily i have a solution. Though it is not permanent, it is highly effective and i have had great success.

first, i started taking Robinul (ask your doctor). it helps reduce sweating temporarily. your doctor will know more i dont want to get into it too much.

second (this is the big one)
Buy a Drionic, i am sure you have heard of it (order it online) its a little over $100 but that is a price, i know that all HH sufferers will pay with pleasure. It will help if you use it as instructed on a fairly high setting.

Buy some Drysol. Its not expensive at all and it will help. It basically helps dry out sweat glands or something. idk but it works pretty well...

OK, finally put ALL these steps together (if you are directed by a professional to take Robinul) Do your drionic on your hands for 30 mins a day on a high setting, then when you go to bed, apply Drysol to your hands.

Do this process everyday, it may take awhile (2 weeks or less) to really kick in and start working, so stick with it. It has been so effective for me that i have had overly DRY hands, but its a hell of a lot better than wet hands. ( plus this can be fixed w/ lotion).

This has greatly improved th quality of my life. I can be truly happy w/ myself and my life now and i hope you can too. I know HH is terrible, believe me i have had my times where idk what to do and i just cry. It can drain confidence, self esteem, and the quality of your life can be severely damaged. I honestly am still effected emotionally by it. its sometimes like i dont even know who i am anymore...

alright, enough of the sob stories. We need to fight this together and know that it is not our fault that we have this. One day there WILL be a cure for this but until then, we need to cope, and stick together.
I truly hope this post will help your situation. i know it has mine. My life has been 100x better w/o excessive sweating, and by using this process
Yeah i've done what you've done for my hands: tablets + ionto + roll on.

We cant get robinul in the UK, only probanthine and oxybutynin (ditropan). I've tried the former but it didnt really work, though it did work two days but my mouth was so dry I couldn't eat. Im not going back to that medication. I've not tried oxybutynin to date.

Still using the ionto and roll on which is all i've got. Hopefully going to replace the roll on with another cream which will hopefully be stronger. I've found the roll on has become weaker over time.

If the robinul works by all means keep taking it. I wish they had it in Europe.


Well-known member
Me too same thing,but whitout need of the medication.

Pinker have you tried dehydral cream for your fingertips,did it work?Or is this new glyco....cream something you want to try so you can skip the iontotreatments too?

Isnt there side-effects whit the cream like oral medication?(dry mouth etc)
klamm76 said:
Me too same thing,but whitout need of the medication.

Pinker have you tried dehydral cream for your fingertips,did it work?Or is this new glyco....cream something you want to try so you can skip the iontotreatments too?

Isnt there side-effects whit the cream like oral medication?(dry mouth etc)

I haven't used the dehydral cream for a while, I never really dedicated myself to it for a week so i'm still not sure if it does that much to be honest... doh. I didnt think it was that strong on my fingertips. I hope I can get the glycopyrrolate cream, i'd use this in addition to iontophoresis, on my fingertips etc.

I don't know if there will be any side effects with glycopyrrolate cream, but I doubt it. Because applying the cream is such a small amount, and you're applying it to one area. With oral medication it goes to all parts of your body and it's a much bigger dose.


Well-known member
Ok if I understand you right you didnt give dehydral cream a real try?

And the glycopyrrolate cream you are going take on your fingertips when you do the ionto treatments.?

Not like the other topical cream you use/apply before going to bed at night?

Think you should give dehydral cream a real shoot,because it worked for me,but odaban,sweat.stop forte etc didnt.

God luck whith the glyco cream anyway.Give inputs when you start using it:)
steveo1242 said:
READ THIS ALL... it WILL help, i promise. :D

Hey everyone, i think i seriously have something here. I have had HH ever since i can remember. i am 16 and in highschool. i got so stressed/pissed off/depressed etc. that I was stuck with this awful condition. I could not take it anymore, i had to find a way to control my sweating, which was unbearable. I used to sweat mainly in my hands and feet, but it have started to sweat on the backs of my legs (leaving an extremely embarassing stain on my pants.)

Luckily i have a solution. Though it is not permanent, it is highly effective and i have had great success.

first, i started taking Robinul (ask your doctor). it helps reduce sweating temporarily. your doctor will know more i dont want to get into it too much.

second (this is the big one)
Buy a Drionic, i am sure you have heard of it (order it online) its a little over $100 but that is a price, i know that all HH sufferers will pay with pleasure. It will help if you use it as instructed on a fairly high setting.

Buy some Drysol. Its not expensive at all and it will help. It basically helps dry out sweat glands or something. idk but it works pretty well...

OK, finally put ALL these steps together (if you are directed by a professional to take Robinul) Do your drionic on your hands for 30 mins a day on a high setting, then when you go to bed, apply Drysol to your hands.

Do this process everyday, it may take awhile (2 weeks or less) to really kick in and start working, so stick with it. It has been so effective for me that i have had overly DRY hands, but its a hell of a lot better than wet hands. ( plus this can be fixed w/ lotion).

This has greatly improved th quality of my life. I can be truly happy w/ myself and my life now and i hope you can too. I know HH is terrible, believe me i have had my times where idk what to do and i just cry. It can drain confidence, self esteem, and the quality of your life can be severely damaged. I honestly am still effected emotionally by it. its sometimes like i dont even know who i am anymore...

alright, enough of the sob stories. We need to fight this together and know that it is not our fault that we have this. One day there WILL be a cure for this but until then, we need to cope, and stick together.
I truly hope this post will help your situation. i know it has mine. My life has been 100x better w/o excessive sweating, and by using this process


How many milligrams of robinul do you take?? how many does throughout the day?