

Active member
Baisically I am about to drop out of Uni. I partly put this down to my SA, though lazyness has probably been a factor, but sometimes its hard to differentiate between the 2. Anyways, I'm going to be looking for a full time job, and saving up to go round the world. I've always wanted to do this, and I'm damn well going to do it. Frankly the idea of travelling round the world solo scares the shit outa me, but I also hope it'l help me grow in confidence, and maybe help my SA. Anyways, I was just wondering if anyone else has been travelling, and did you find it helped your confidence, and self esteem and all that stuff?


Well-known member
I'm going travelling this May, to Japan for 3 months to work. Should be cool. I think the life experience will do me a lot of good tbh


Well-known member
I have been travelling alone quite a bit, I enjoyed it in the whole and I am going to continue, but there have been some really hard and stressful moments. The main problem for me have always been the evenings. During the day I would have to arrange my travelling, buy maps, visit places, eat, find accomodation etc..., but once the night came, after having had dinner alone, I couldn't think of anything to do. Most young people either travel in a group or they are extroverted types who can easily find a friend or two in the hostel where they sleep one night, or maybe they just enter a club alone and they come out of it with a group of local friends and maybe even a place to stay for the night (I knew a guy who did this sistematically, he would travel everywhere and never bothered looking for accomodation, what a lucky person! :)

Maybe I'll send you a PM tomorrow, with more details and what little advice I can give :)


New member
I have to say that traveling has helped me out. It really threw me into an environment that I normally wouldn't be a part of. It made me NEED to ask people for help and guidance.

The last time I lived in Australia, I made a rash trip to The Philippines (Manila). I had never been so... scared in my life but at the same time, it was a wonderful experience. It was so empowering to be a minority for once and to make myself feel like how immigrants feel when they migrate to the USA. So I guess scared isn't really the word, just - errr, excited. Or maybe nervous...

BUT don't drop out of uni just yet. You have to tell yourself that it's a learning experience for you - and a lot of life's lessons take a little sweat, blood and tears. They take hard work! And by the time it's all over with, you can look at yourself in the mirror and say "You know what, you've done a great thing. You have this accomplished and you did it on your own!"

You can always travel later if you want. Especially after you get a good job with your degree, eh?


Active member
I'm kind of at the point of no return as far as droppingout goes. Theres no way I'm going to pass the year, plus I'm not sure if the course I'm on is the right one for me. So I think taking a year or two out of education will help me get my head together, and decide if I want to have another crack at it or not.


Well-known member
That's a good idea about traveling around a world Aramoor.Gives you a new perspective on life.I respect you for doing something that is so hard for someone with sa to do.I always want to do that myself but I am to much of a chicken. :lol: Although I know it would be wonderful experience.

Just don't forget about your education.You don't want to get stuck in some dead in job.Although in couple years you could have a whole different out look on education.


Well-known member
I love to travel! This year me and my "man" will go to San Francisco and Los Angeles for two weeks. Many many hours by plane, but it'll be worth it I'm sure... :lol:



heya ! my auntie has gone travelling and she finds it amazing and hse has not regretted it once, she has gone with her boyfriend but however has met lots of people ! you wont be alone at all, and to be honest dealing with SA it will help you alot to have a bit of 'me' time dont ya think?


Well-known member
Thats something i have wanted to do my self for a long time,travel around to different parts of the world.One day i plan to as well just not yet :p
Goodluck with it,going to different parts of the world getting involved with different cultures :D


Well-known member
I cant stand traveling home to london, so good knows how i would cope going around the world on my own. I think Ill keep my feet firmly on the ground!


Hey Aramoor,

Im just finishing up uni too and thinking of travelling over your way probably London. Ive travelled heaps before but this trip would be alone (im not really close enough to any to even ask them to join me)

It scares the hell out of me too but i feel like its an opportunity i shouldnt miss. What i cant decide is whether to travel with a Contiki tour type group for a few weeks or actually get a working visa and a more perm place to live in London :?: As this stage im not sure if i could handle getting off a plane and not having anywhere to be but i dont think a group trip is really what im after.

What are you thinking about doing? How stressful do you think it will be? Im hoping it will teach me how to loosen up and be more impulsive.

Anyone else moved to another county completly on their own?

Cheers - Alicia


Well-known member
Quixote said:
I have been travelling alone quite a bit, I enjoyed it in the whole and I am going to continue, but there have been some really hard and stressful moments. The main problem for me have always been the evenings. During the day I would have to arrange my travelling, buy maps, visit places, eat, find accomodation etc..., but once the night came, after having had dinner alone, I couldn't think of anything to do.....

Maybe I'll send you a PM tomorrow, with more details and what little advice I can give :)

Quixote, would you mind posting your advice here in the forum? I think it would be great if you would share any tips with us's things like this that would make the forum a source of useful information for everyone.

I'd love to travel but there's not really anyone I can go with. The thought of travelling alone is just too daunting.

You've already mentioned a few of the things that I would see as being major obstacles, such as eating out alone and finding things to do with myself of an evening. Even the thought of just going to the airport alone gets my anxiety started, so god knows what I'd be like once I got off the plane in another country and don't know what the heck I'm doing or where I'm going. All I see is problems, panic and reasons to not go, so I'm looking for any advice.


Travelling is what I want to do the most too. It just feels like theres a whole world out there lol. It scares me too, but I'm just focussing on doiun it in the distant future lol... I just hope I get round to it eventually and not wimp out. I'm getting dvds and stuff on several places and I'm trying to obsess myself about those places till I can't put it off.... and save... that'll start when I have more money :p. Paris is where I'm hoping to go first, hopefully this summer... thats an easy one for a UK'er... and Boston I wanna go to most also. Oh and Xmas shopping in new york. I just need to get rich overnight first! I'm going to a yet unkown city tommorow for my birthday. I've left it to the last minute haha... I love the spur of the moment thing. I know I'll be nervous to, cos I like to plan everything out in advance usually, to minimise the worry, but I'm trying not to do stuff like that anymore. I don't think ppl who go with me like it haha


Well-known member
Hi Pitkreet, I don't really feel comfortable with writing about life details in public, I think they might make me easily recognizable by anyone who happens to know me and looks at this site. I know it is not very likely to happen, but you never know.

But it wasn't anything really important, just a suggestion, I'll send you a PM too when I am not too tired (as I am right now)

As for what you say about dealing with everyday problems (that of course become much greater abroad) I can assure you that I often have trouble as well with them in normal life, but somehow once I have put myself in a situation without an easy way out, I feel my strenght of will and determination increases. Also if you travel through one or several countries you can set yourself a goal, like a place to reach before a certain date, or a number of weeks to spend travelling within a certain budget, and this will keep you occupied and make difficulties seem a bit lighter, because your attitude to them will be different. They will just be a series of minor obstacles that you will have to overcome to attain your goal, and not become the goal themselves.


Well-known member
Thanks, Quixote.

I appreciate that you may feel certain details may make you recognisable - I've felt the same way, too, convinced that if I post about something involving someone I know, they're just bound to, for no good reason, decide to log on to, of all the millions of sites in the world, this SA site, and read my exact post and instantly know it was

Anyway, I look forward to your pm.