Today was my birthday


Well-known member
It was my birthday today (the 20th) and well it was a pretty dull day. Didn't do anything and no one did anything for me. Well I bought myself a gift, bottle of vodka, enjoying that now its the highlight of my day. Anyway, a few friends wished my happy birthday and I'm great full for that. But I'm pissed that my 2 cousins (were always doing things together) didn't do anything or didn't even say happy birthday. We did things on their birthdays and when it gets to me nothing ever happens. I hate it so much cuz people will do things for them and it's like all I ever get is oh by the way happy birthday.

I hate my birthdays. Its just another day that reminds me of how much my life sucks.

aww man happy late bday!! On my 17bday i had a party but usually i would spend all of my other bdays crying in bed and being lonely. My mom would be the only one to say happy birthday...


Well-known member

Happy b-day to you! Happy b-day to you! Happy b-day, dear Tab! Happy b-day to you!




Active member
It was my 23rd birthday on the 17th, I actually went bowling with my cousin and his girlfriend, and on the friday I went for a few drinks with my sister and dad, I tried to use the fact that i'm another year older as inspiration to change my habbits and face my fear, I mean I'm quater way through my life and I can't even hold a conversation with strangers. I've started a diary of how I've felt each day and I try and do atleast one thing that scares me a week. just remember its not gonna change overnight and your the only one that can change yourself.

happy birthday. Graham


Well-known member
mine was 2 days ago. i'm surprised at how many people remembered... and some of those i've never even told. trying to keep a low profile didn't work this time.