Today was different. Basic


I was up very early, as usual, getting all together, rushing off to a computer fair, expecting nothing I needed or wanted, minding my budget. I asked some friends to come, wanting to show this to them for years, which they always ignore, because I'm a geek. They just buy anything on a TV advert which is meant to look really good. They don't have any money. Another try. Some knowledge lets you spend wisely. Nobody responded. I had a great drive, not expecting sunshine, needing air conditioning to keep the cabin comfortable. Bought nothing. Back in one piece.

Straight out the door, rucksack packed with wine, choc, corkscrew, a set of xBox games to swap, and get another back from a mate, to have a good catch-up chat. I did the rounds, of several mates, about 12:00. No response anywhere. Sure they were sleeping. One SMS said cu l8r. I have a feeling that's rubbish. Same phrase for a computer fair.

On the way home, following a girl to a traffic crossing with big puddles, I stopped and we looked each way, no traffic to see, we made a big jump over the puddles with the red, STOP, 'don't walk' sign on, and it made her laugh! I saw her face. Very attractive young black lady, flinging her tails around. She talked about the crossing button, and not using it. I said some things I would type here, in my normal, real life way, sarcastically. I agreed that I never, ever use the button. I wait for time for the flow to be auto controlled. Saying: I'm a driver, biker and walker, and hate when kids stop the flow. The town is too tight on red lights for all.

I made her laugh. I always do. I can. Natural. I pointed with gestures, if we saw a nice expensive car go by, I'd smile & praise the driver. "I Like it! I want one" but when you're in the car and see kids pointing and laughing, they feel mocked, as if: 'it's rubbish'. Then the biker, walker. I did see walkers smothered in filth earlier by quick cars driving through the puddles.

A one-off that someone liked it, collapsing on my shoulder. No traffic. I just said random bits about a third finger to / from any driver / walker / biker on a road gesture: "get outta my way!" Humour works. We went our ways. She waved with a great giggle. I said "I'll recognise you!"

So nice not to be rejected, frowned at or disposed of :)


Well-known member
I was up very early, as usual, getting all together, rushing off to a computer fair, expecting nothing I needed or wanted, minding my budget. I asked some friends to come, wanting to show this to them for years, which they always ignore, because I'm a geek. They just buy anything on a TV advert which is meant to look really good. They don't have any money. Another try. Some knowledge lets you spend wisely. Nobody responded. I had a great drive, not expecting sunshine, needing air conditioning to keep the cabin comfortable. Bought nothing. Back in one piece.

Straight out the door, rucksack packed with wine, choc, corkscrew, a set of xBox games to swap, and get another back from a mate, to have a good catch-up chat. I did the rounds, of several mates, about 12:00. No response anywhere. Sure they were sleeping. One SMS said cu l8r. I have a feeling that's rubbish. Same phrase for a computer fair.

On the way home, following a girl to a traffic crossing with big puddles, I stopped and we looked each way, no traffic to see, we made a big jump over the puddles with the red, STOP, 'don't walk' sign on, and it made her laugh! I saw her face. Very attractive young black lady, flinging her tails around. She talked about the crossing button, and not using it. I said some things I would type here, in my normal, real life way, sarcastically. I agreed that I never, ever use the button. I wait for time for the flow to be auto controlled. Saying: I'm a driver, biker and walker, and hate when kids stop the flow. The town is too tight on red lights for all.

I made her laugh. I always do. I can. Natural. I pointed with gestures, if we saw a nice expensive car go by, I'd smile & praise the driver. "I Like it! I want one" but when you're in the car and see kids pointing and laughing, they feel mocked, as if: 'it's rubbish'. Then the biker, walker. I did see walkers smothered in filth earlier by quick cars driving through the puddles.

A one-off that someone liked it, collapsing on my shoulder. No traffic. I just said random bits about a third finger to / from any driver / walker / biker on a road gesture: "get outta my way!" Humour works. We went our ways. She waved with a great giggle. I said "I'll recognise you!"

So nice not to be rejected, frowned at or disposed of :)
Nice story! no reason anyone should, you're funny! :applause: