To Tell or Not to Tell


As can be seen by my username, I am Pagan. I know you're not really supposed to tell anyone that you're pagan, Wiccan, or any magickal religion because it's said to take power away from us. But being anonymous on the internet, no one will know who you really are so that might be an exception. I can't tell anyone at school or on the streets "Hey, I'm a witch!" Another reason why we shouldn't reveal ourselves is because of some Christians who may get the wrong idea. I live in a catholic neighborhood so it's tough.
But let's cut to the chase. My grandmother is a first generation Irish Catholic who is eighty-five and set in her ways. Even though she's not my biological grandmother because she adopted my dad, I have been living with her on and off my whole life. We witches and warlocks are "born," so it's not like we can really choose to be one. It really does run in the blood and my mother is a witch (we are both pagan), my maternal grandmother was psychic. All three of us have very powerful intuition, actually. My brother and I are both what we call "media psychic" in which one will hear a song playing in the head and turn on the radio to hear it, or one will come up with an original storyline and the next week some author or new show does it. Well my grandmother's house is the only place I've been able to live a financially stable life, so as a child I was forced to attend my grandma's church and observe all the catholic holidays until one day I just knew what was right for me. I started reading up on my religion and observing all the pagan holidays--I even make my own ritual candles and oils and incense. My mother has a business selling these supplies for the magickal community. But I am hesitant to tell my catholic grandma that I don't consider myself catholic but pagan. She's family so it would be okay to let the cat out of the bag. She might fly off the handle like she always does, because most people in her time assumed pagan was synonymous with devil-worshipper. IT'S NOT. That makes me very angry when people say that. Christians historically have killed people in the name of their faith. But I wouldn't tell my grandma that. If I respect her creed then maybe she'd respect mine.
But my grandma is the kind of person who turns into a rattlesnake if you try to burst her bubble; she think's I'm catholic and that the candle brewery is fun and games--makes me sick! It's not good for anyone to be that idealistic. How do I tell her about my true faith?:sad:


Well-known member
my sister is a Wicca, and I love to discuss religion with her ​​:)
even though I am not Wiccan myself, I think she has a good view of the world and have good morals:)
to your question, I do not think it will lead to something good to tell her, old people tend to not accept it.
It sounds from your description of her that she will not take it well.
but what do I know :s


Well-known member
When i was younger i experimented with paganism, i've always found other beliefs interesting, my (VERY christian) grandmother found out, took me to the church where she (and a friend) proceeded to pray over me for hours. They also threw away anything they thought was related to the paganism, including incense which i'd bought because i liked the smell. i was about 12 years old, needless to say this traumatized me enough that i never went back, which was ultimately her goal.

While i know its uncomfortable and frustrating living a lie, sometimes it is the easier alternative. Often you think people are more evolved now and more accepting but the prejudices still exist.