To medicate or not to medicate? That is the question...


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So a bit of background here, I was damn near the lab rat for most of my shrinks for years growing up. I've been on everything from Depakote and Zoloft to Carbatrol and Remeron... I mean I remember taking at least 4 pills twice a day...

So when I was 17 and money was hard and insurance was crap, I took myself off meds. I'm Bipolar II, SAD, and OCD. Its not been an easy thing, living off meds but for years I really didn't have much choice.

Now, at 24, things are finally starting to stabilize enough to be able to afford pills and a doc, and I don't know if I want to get back on the last mix I was on (which wasn't a bad batch for me, for once). My counselor thinks I need to, and I won't argue against not having to deal with severe mood swings and anxiety 24/7... but there are problems.

I'm on birth control and I need to stay on it, from what I remember as a teenager I can't be on both because they cancel one another out.

I don't want to be another lab rat in case my last mix doesn't work like it used to. I was on Effexor XR, Seroquel, Lamictal and Abilify. My insurance, thank God, covers those, but I don't want to have to find a new mix if they aren't what I need anymore...

I'm so torn, can anyone relate, or give some advice??


if you are s.a bipolar and ocd im sorry to say but that is alot you have to handle without meds! I felt the same way about my lexapro I was on it for just over a year and the whole time I was fighting to come off it and saying I didnt need it coz I felt bad about being on meds I did manage to come off it for 6 months but it was tough and after my break up I was spirling backwards and relapsing :-( so i went back on my tablets and now I can deff tell the difference my advice would be to give the meds a go again and stick with ur therapy no one else needs to know but urself :)


Well-known member
Thanks Jess, I appreciate the feedback. I'm definitely sticking with therapy, the meds, well, I'll give them more thought :)


Well-known member
If you have any concerns, I think the doctor could try to help you find the best combination for you if you take other medications. If you think you really need it might be best to stick with the meds especially if you also suffer from bipolar disorder and ocd. I think it's good to use meds when nothing else works like exercise or psychiatric therapy like CBT or reading self help books, etc. I don't take meds anymore but I used to. I personally just use meds as a last resort because of unwanted side effects, etc. That's just me personally though. I know some people want to take meds as their first resort or in combination with psychiatric therapy which are alright too :) It all boils down to the persons preference. :)
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Well-known member
im sure your smart. dont let the doctors opinion of you be your opinion of you, some people dont care they just want money.


Well-known member
I would never medicate. I hate medication and diagnosesis.
I just avoid all doctors and whatnot. I just want to be left alone to deal with it by myself.