tml i have a presentation..i feel so terrible now...


Well-known member
tml i have a class presentation, i feel like i am going to recite everything straight from the powerpoint slides out, and its going to be damn boring....whats worst is i don't even know what i am talking about..i just googled all the materials and copied them into my slides...

i just have such pathetic presentation skills, boring..monotonous...nervous shaky voice...i wonder how i got into university...maybe if i had quit sch and lived a simple life it would have been better for me....but in my country its just too hard to survive w/o a degree...i dun have a choice...

i feel so terrible...i feel like dying...


Well-known member
yea i hate them too!! Noone will be talking all day about how great/bad you did on a presentation that would be pretty can do it :)


Well-known member
I know how you's hard...medication perhaps?
I dunno...if I knew how to deal with this kind of thing then I probably wouldn't be here right now.


tml i have a class presentation, i feel like i am going to recite everything straight from the powerpoint slides out, and its going to be damn boring....whats worst is i don't even know what i am talking about..i just googled all the materials and copied them into my slides...

i just have such pathetic presentation skills, boring..monotonous...nervous shaky voice...i wonder how i got into university...maybe if i had quit sch and lived a simple life it would have been better for me....but in my country its just too hard to survive w/o a degree...i dun have a choice...

i feel so terrible...i feel like dying...

Even most people who don't have anxiety have trouble with public speaking and it makes them nervous. I've had to do plenty and most of it hasn't been good but I got through them and it doesn't matter at all now. What I find to be helpful is to do a subject, if possible, that you are interested in and desire to tell other people about. That will at least shift your focus from, "OMG am I looking dumb right now?" to focusing on an opportunity to tell some people about something that you find interesting.


Well-known member
yea i guess u r rite serafina..the fear of presenting is controlling me and making me avoid it all tgt...i guess i have to work on it...sigh::(: