time to give up


Spoke with the dermatologist today and he basically told me there was nothing they could really do for me. I kinda knew that was the case and will just have to try deal with this until some miracle treatment/cure turns up. For me its the anxiety that kills me coupled with the sweating it has been an impossible cycle to break. I have tried a few different treatments like driclor, ionto, botox in my armpits which have been pretty much sweat free for over a year. I suppose the only other option is meds but I worry about side effects having a equally negative affect on me. Luckily my sweat is not 24hrs a day and is not as dripping wet as some people experience it just mainly occurs with anxiety or stress and in warm stuffy rooms. I will keep checking on here and will always look for an effective treatment if and when that becomes available. Hope you all find a way to overcome this stupidly annoying problem as I wouldn't wish this frustration on anyone

driping jon

Well-known member
hello,i have learn a lot from this site,i put up with it ,i now take probanthine it was hard if it takes a few years off me its worth it ,dry mouth is a prob but its worth it ,no food untill tea time its worth it,,cant talk prop at times becase its dry its worth it ,


Well-known member
So have you used Robinul (actually the drug itself is glycopyrrolate - same drug as Avert)?

For years I was too worried about side effects to even try it. But eventually I just had enough of the sweating and had to try it. There are side effects (dry eyes, dry mouth mainly), but I have only sweated once or twice while at work in the past 2 months. Compare that to previously where I'd sweat almost all day every day.

It is not a perfect cure -- I have still sweated when being out in hot sun and running around, but I've also noticed that my hands return to dryness much more quickly than without the drug.

Meanwhile I'm still waiting on my ionto machine -- it has been a long drawn out process trying to get my insurance company to pay for it. But if they do pay, it will be worth it!


Active member
So have you used Robinul (actually the drug itself is glycopyrrolate - same drug as Avert)?

For years I was too worried about side effects to even try it. But eventually I just had enough of the sweating and had to try it. There are side effects (dry eyes, dry mouth mainly), but I have only sweated once or twice while at work in the past 2 months. Compare that to previously where I'd sweat almost all day every day.

It is not a perfect cure -- I have still sweated when being out in hot sun and running around, but I've also noticed that my hands return to dryness much more quickly than without the drug.

Meanwhile I'm still waiting on my ionto machine -- it has been a long drawn out process trying to get my insurance company to pay for it. But if they do pay, it will be worth it!

Out of curiosity, how much mg do you take? Do you take it on an empty stomache? I find when i take 2mg in the morning, I will still sweat if I am anxious.


Well-known member
Out of curiosity, how much mg do you take? Do you take it on an empty stomache? I find when i take 2mg in the morning, I will still sweat if I am anxious.

In order to be dry first thing when I wake up in the morning, I take 1mg before bed. I always go to bed late (about 1AM or 2AM). Then I wake up around 8AM to get ready for work, and immediately take 1mg more. Sometimes I'll then eat something very light such as a banana or toast, but I never have time for full breakfast.

I am usually dry throughout the day at work (until 5:30PM or 6PM). Sometimes when I leave work and go into the sun outside I get a bit sweaty hands, but usually not much.

If I have some event in the evening that I want to remain dry for, I'll take another 1mg around 4PM or so. At that time is probably when the morning pill starts to wear off.

Also I sometimes skip doses on the weekend if I don't have any social plans. Also, I skip doses if I'm planning to do a lot of physical activity -- for that I'd rather not have the dry mouth.


I take 2mg right when i wake up and 2mg after luch. Seems to work perfectly for me. Has been a complete cure. I feel like a salesman for this stuff on this board. A little dry mouth/throat but I just drink extra water when necessary. Good luck


Active member
Fedup.....I agree with the earlier posts. You should investigate Robinul. As an every day med it is not for everyone. It is a trade off to gain some sense of a normal life. I plan my daily activities around this medication. I don't know what i would do without it. But you have to learn the dosages, times to take it, do's and don'ts, and variables of the medication. Even if you can't handle it on a daily basis it can be a godsend for social situations. I know there are some sufferers that that don't take it every day and use it in this way. The machines, creams, injections, and gimmick treatments for HH can be expensive, time consuming, and heartbreaking. Robinul can be an ace in your bullpen.....give it a shot.