

Well-known member
hi all,
i was wondering if abnormal functioning of the thyroid could be cause for a number of SP anxiety symptoms? I'm asking this because it appears i have a number of symptoms of a thyroid problem and i am considering going to a doctor to get it tested. i would really appreciate it if anyone could share their experiences and advice on having any hassles with their thyroid.


Well-known member
Iam not too sure but i think i have some kind of thyroid problem, as i can never put on any weight no matter how much i eat, so i think i have an over active thyroid although ie never had it checked.

How do they go about checking it, is it just a simple blood test?


Well-known member
From what i've read, it's just a simple blood test. Though i'm such a piker when doctors take my blood, cos i feel like fainting. 8O


Well-known member
I went to the doctor about a year ago, and they took blood and found out I had an underactive thyroid. Im scared to go back I never did anything for it. Ive heard thyroid problems can cause anxiety symptoms.


Well-known member
Hey there, well one of me doctors sent me for a blood test and that's all it takes, a simple blood test and she found out my thyroid is under active which is called hypothyroidism. What they do is something called Thyroid replacement, which is basically taking a pill once a day I think maybe for the rest of your life which gives you the stuff the thyroid isn't producing. So I've been taking this for about a week, can't tell if it's had any effect yet. I have to go back for another blood test in about 4 weeks to see if I need my dose lowered or hired or if it's the right amount.
Under active thyroid can cause lots of physical problems like headaches, prone to infections, fatigue, sore muscles, weight gain etc. But also can cause emotional problems such as depression and anxiety!!!

There is also an over active thyroid which is called hyperthyroidism, I don't know much about this or it's effects but here is a page on it
seems it can cause nervousness etc.

I hope this helps :)

Don't be afraid of the blood test, I was but it's really nothing. And if it get's the problem fixed it's worth it.


Well-known member
r0ck0ut04 said:
I went to the doctor about a year ago, and they took blood and found out I had an underactive thyroid. Im scared to go back I never did anything for it. Ive heard thyroid problems can cause anxiety symptoms.

You should go to your doctor about this, all you need to do is take a pill once a day. It's really no big deal! the only pain in the butt about it is you have to take it on an empty stomach in the morning about an hour before breakfast, so if you're hungry you're a bit f@cked really LOL. But seriously, it could be causing all sorts of problems so it's important you go back if you want to get better. All you need is a prescription!


Well-known member
dreamer_13 said:
im going for a blood test on tuesday, i'll let you all know how i got on

Please do. I would be interested in hearing the results. I am going on Wed. for the same.

Corsa - I'm the same way. My blood pressure drops and I feel faint. I will tell them I have to lay down on the table while they draw the blood.

(and i'm working on my nursing degree - hope i don't feel faint when I draw other's blood 8O )


Well-known member
bluenow said:
dreamer_13 said:
im going for a blood test on tuesday, i'll let you all know how i got on

Please do. I would be interested in hearing the results. I am going on Wed. for the same.

Corsa - I'm the same way. My blood pressure drops and I feel faint. I will tell them I have to lay down on the table while they draw the blood.

(and i'm working on my nursing degree - hope i don't feel faint when I draw other's blood 8O )

You know what, i've almost fainted every other time I've had my blood taken, they've had to lay me down and stuff. But this time I went to a place that ONLY draws blood so I guess they were experts and I barely felt it, I was prepared to pass out on the floor haha :evil: .


i thought i had a Thyroid problem cuz i had a pain in my neck n thanks to google i found out i had a lot of the symptoms so i went to my doc told em n he feels my neck n says i don't have a thyroid problem but i jus got lumps in my throat n there not canceres n look at me like im some type a nut case that has a phobe :lol: i got to find a new doc


Well-known member
Thanks for the advice everyone, that really helped. :D
I've decided to get it checked this week if i can get an appointment.
Another thing i was wandering about was if any of you specifically went in and asked for your thyroid to be tested or did you just give the doctor your list of symptoms and the doctor decided to test it for you?

It's just that i feel a little weird asking straight out to be tested because then the doctor will ask why, and i'll have to start talking about my anxiety and he'll probably just think i'm some hypochondriac there to get attention. I guess what i'm asking is if there is any best way to go about talking to your doctor in order to get tested?


Well-known member
corsa said:
Thanks for the advice everyone, that really helped. :D
I've decided to get it checked this week if i can get an appointment.
Another thing i was wandering about was if any of you specifically went in and asked for your thyroid to be tested or did you just give the doctor your list of symptoms and the doctor decided to test it for you?

It's just that i feel a little weird asking straight out to be tested because then the doctor will ask why, and i'll have to start talking about my anxiety and he'll probably just think i'm some hypochondriac there to get attention. I guess what i'm asking is if there is any best way to go about talking to your doctor in order to get tested?

Well my medications doctor, who put me on my meds... cymbalta, klonopin etc wrote out a slip and asked me to go get it tested and have the results faxed to her.
But you can just call your doctors office and just say, i'd like my thyroid checked. If they ask why say I think I might have some of the symptoms of (over active or under active thyroid?) they won't think you're a hypochondriac at all. People are actually advised to get it checked in their lifetime. Just be strong and say you want a blood test to have it checked, it's really no big deal :p Also ask for a copy of the results if you can get them, because sometimes it could be slighty under or over active and they might not think much of it, but it could be affecting you.


Well-known member
Thanks Meow, i went and got it tested today. And you were right, i was worried about nothing. I asked for it to be tested and then the Doc said ok and rambled on about how important it is for people to get it tested. She threw me a pathology script to get it done, said we'd talk more when i get the results and then scurried away. I didn't even have the chance to talk about my symptoms cos i was in there for less than a minute! I get my results later this week, i'll let everyone know if they found anything.

p.s first time ever i didn't feel faint getting my blood taken, the girl was really good. 8)


Well-known member
Well done!!! it was the first time I didn't feel faint also, the lady who did mine was good too. Thank god! See, i'm glad you got it done. Atleast now you'll know one way or another. You were really brave!!!

Pleaaaase do let me know the results either way :D


Well-known member
Nope, nothing physically wrong with me. Thyroid was within the normal range. I guess all my problems are in my head. You know what's funny?, i almost wish i had something physically wrong with me so that i had some hard evidence that accounts for why i behave the way i do. Don't get me wrong, i'm glad everything is ok, but it would have been a relief to know that my anxiety was due to a physiological problem rather than a psychological one.