This may help you...

Okay, I had "social phobia". This will help you if you are really determined, with no doubt. Firstly, stop calling it social phobia. It's a fear, just like any other fear. It is a good thing. It's a tool. Now this is gonna be really simple.

Make PEACE with your fear. Which is REALLY the fear of the symptoms (like racing heart, trembling, sweaty hands, whatever), not the actual situation. You avoid situations because you don't like the symptoms you get. Shyness is fearing what people think of you. You can approach the fear of being judged in the same way as I explain how to approach the fear of the symptoms. Simply don't care! You can approach both at the same time. You don't have to have both. For example, I really didn't care what people thought of me, but I didn't like the symptoms, so I didn't go into the social situations because I thought they were SO horrible. When, really, they're just feeling. Nothing to be concerned about.

You have to NOT CARE about the symptoms. You have to gain the power you have inside. Don't let this stupid fear keep you from enjoying life! Think about it, it is unreasonable. You have to get angry! You need to acknowledge that it's a stupid fear and you need to laugh at it! The physical symptoms are only physical feelings! When you have a headache, do you panic? NO! So why do you panic when you have racing heart or sweaty palms? They are just physical feelings, nothing more, nothing serious! When you deem them serious, they will seem serious. They are not! Do you know WHY you keep getting the symptoms? BECAUSE YOU FEAR THEM. When the fear goes away, so does the symptoms. You have to get into the mindset of letting be what will be. You have to say "the symptoms can come, but I'm not going to let it stop me from experiencing life." When you stop caring about the symptoms, the fear goes away and eventually the symptoms do. Your nerves are just over sensitive. And they will cool down the less you care about them. So do what you want! If you start panicing, who cares! Does it really matter? Just let it happen. If you keep fearing it while it starts, that's when it gets worse. But right when it starts, just be cool about it, notice how it feels. Make it something you're curious about it. Play with the feeling. It is nothing horrible, I promise! So just make peace with your worse case scenario. Make it not matter. You just have to think different thoughts. Don't ever try to escape or hide or avoid! You need to realize that the feelings are nothing serious and really are nothing to fear. You need to LET THE SYMPTOMS BE. Do not "deal" with them. Let them be!

It is THAT EASY. It is only because you define it as hard that it is hard. As long as you define it as hard, it will be hard and will hardly get better. Yes, I know how you feel. But you need to change how you feel. Because it is only by doing that that things will become "easier". And you will get over this "social phobia". Decide right now that you're releasing this fear. Decide it, with all your power. You have all the power. Own it in this moment. Own the releasing of it. It doesn't matter how long you've had it, forget the past completely. All that matters is NOW. Don't look outside yourself for guidance. I do not recommend taking drugs. They will not serve you, really. You will become dependent on them. I don't recommend a therapist either. Most don't even know what they're talking about. All you need is within yourself.

Most of you are making things very very difficult for yourself. It is your doing. You have to understand that. You are responsible. And you are responsible for releasing it. It can not be worked through, it has to be released. There is no magic pill, there is no magic outside of you. You hold the magic. Stop this talk about having a chemical imbalance and such. You're just making things complicated. It's a fear. You can release it. All is well, friends. :)

Love and Light,



Well-known member
5 stars!

I came to that exact conclusion a little over a week ago, and I'd say you're totally correct about it all. I still find it hard to detach myself from caring so damn much, but I'm sure that with enough practice I'll get all the lumps smoothed out.

In short - it's working. Follow this dude's advice people!
Infected_Malignity said:
5 stars!

I came to that exact conclusion a little over a week ago, and I'd say you're totally correct about it all. I still find it hard to detach myself from caring so damn much, but I'm sure that with enough practice I'll get all the lumps smoothed out.

In short - it's working. Follow this dude's advice people!
I'm happy you liked it. :) Yes, sometimes it may seem hard, but if you keep not caring, you will eventually not care at all and you will not experience the fear or symptoms! You have to let time pass as well. You can't keep checking to see if it's getting better. Just keep the peace with your fear and you will notice that you don't even think about social situations at all! You just naturally go into them. So don't be discouraged. You absolutely will get them smoothed out! See, it takes this kind of attitude. It really does. I'm happy for you. It will get better and better, my friend! :D

You have to have a confident attitude.

Love and Light,



Well-known member
hi Ronald , 5 stars from me too , its the perfect mindset to escape this bullshit , i have this mindset that i dont want people thinking im a freak , weirdo , etc , so from now on im going to do what you suggest , basically think SO WHAT when my thoughts try to mess with my head , thanks , i even bookmarked this page , peace bro .
FreedomFighter said:
hi Ronald , 5 stars from me too , its the perfect mindset to escape this bullshit , i have this mindset that i dont want people thinking im a freak , weirdo , etc , so from now on im going to do what you suggest , basically think SO WHAT when my thoughts try to mess with my head , thanks , i even bookmarked this page , peace bro .
YES, brother! If you say so what, they'll stop coming. They keep coming because you give them significance. You know what I mean?

And really, does it matter what others think of you? Think about it. It doesn't. You can't help what they think of you. It DOESN'T matter. What they think of you has more to do with what they think of THEMSELVES. If they react negatively to you, it just means they're not too happy themselves. It has very little to do with you. Just be who you are and that's it. The opinion of others is not important. I promise. Much love~!


This is so reminds me of a book I read recently called "Beyond Shyness..." That author said something along the lines of there's no such thing as's really about the *fear*. This was very encouraging to me because I always thought that shyness can't be changed....reading that gave me hope that I can change and break free of this debilitation.


Great man thanks!

Ive been treating myself all alone and i too came to similar solutions, to start think positive and stop giving fuck what others thinks about me.

and what you wrote is great, its another point of view to look at things that could help me, so thanks man