this isnt good


hi. umm ive been here before, last year at this time. My anxiety was soooo bad. Im 17/f im a senoir in highschool. LAst year it was soo hard for me to go to school. I got about 20 anxiety attacks a day. I got put on ZOLOFT. Zoloft worked sooo goood for me. Within 2 months my anxiety was a lot better. Over about 3-4 months i barely had it and i was able to get a job and everyhting. However, i was doing so well my docter thought it was time for me to come off of it. Now im off of zoloft and ive never felt so deressd before. my anxiety is comming back slowly and its only getting worse. Im soo scared. I really dont kno what to do. I have no job and i want to get one but i cant with this anxiety i just cant. Please i just need some advice. Im soo sad. Why do we have to get anxiety? i dont understand :oops: <<<----- i always get like that...i hate it :(


Well-known member
hi mickey, my advice: try talking with ur doctor again and tell him that u can't quit zoloft (or wathever the med is) because ur feeling like the anxiety is coming back, depending on what he tells, you will have to either quit zoloft for good or stay in it and expect to quit in the future.
The best is maybe try other ways to deal with the anxiety (sports, fearin fears from time to time). if you already know that you can deal with people then zoloft already did its job, chemically it did all the job, but mentally you did all the job. Quit zoloft gradually or sumethin. cheers


Well-known member
I would go back to your Dr and tell him how you feel, he will either put you back on the medication or try something else.

I don't use medication, never have. Medication is good, it helps you cope on a daily basis and takes away the anxiety but it wont help fix the problem. You need to find what is causing you the anxiety and then work on dealing with it, that's the only way to beat it.

Finding a good therapist or support group is good for that. If you arent working your Dr may know of some free therapists like at your school. Over here you get charged on what you earn, if you are unemployed it is free, if you earn up to $30 000 a year it goes up to around $20 to $30 which is very cheap. These are public therapists so there are waiting lists, you can go to a private one but you pay lots more to see them.


Well-known member
That sucks mickey. I know how it feels. I was put on xanax for my anxiety and stayed on it for about 2 weeks. It was a quick fix but I knew it had to come to an end. Coming off a drug is hard. I've never been on Zoloft so I can't relate to that. What I can tell you is that it is important to be comfortable. How long have you been off of the medication? Like the others have said, talk to your doctor. He should know what's going on. If the anxiety is bearable (I know it sucks) then maybe you should try and make it through these last few months of school. My anxiety came around this time last year. It was also my senior year in HS so I know how hard it can be. The end is in sight and people are getting excited about graduating while you're stuck worrying about your anxiety all the time. If you don't feel like you can deal with the anxiety you should talk to you doc about going back on medication. It's really important for you to feel comfortable. Therapy is key. Without seeing a specialist I don't think I would have graduated. As cody said, medication won't fix the problem. But, it is important to be happy, especially your senior year. I don't know if I gave any advice in there but I just wanted to let you know that I've been there before. Hang in there, talk to your doc, and get better!


Well-known member
just wonderin... are u the mickey in the gallery? wb just in case :)
got no more advice than the ones posted in here :I
hope u feel better soon.


Well-known member
Hi Mickey,
I think that some good advice has been given by those posting before me. In a nutshell - and in my unprofessional opinion - you should talk to your Doctor and hopefully get back on the zoloft then get into serious therapy.

If the zoloft makes you feel good then it can be the platform for your recovery but to make the recovery permanent, without having to stay on the medication, you will need to change your thought patterns, the way you respond to events. This is where the therapy comes in.


Thank you guys for all the advice i really do appreciate it...i feel loved.... 8) lol... and yea im the mickey in the gallery, its a bad pic of me though