This is the hardest thing to get through, I feel so empty...


New member
I am going through an 8yr breakup and its been so hard. Its been 5 months now and the pain doesnt seem to ease. He cheated and perhaps was cheating all along throughout the relationship adn on top of that he abused me once before and I STILL gave him a second chance. I loved this guy so much, nver cheated and helped him in anyway that I could. He has pleaded for me to come back, but I have stood my ground. Now he finds that Ive been going out with friends and he has completly shut me out and even though I know that going back to him is wrong this still hurts. I guess him moving on is hard to grasp becuase I still havent moved on myself. Im sure he has someone else now and this hurts so bad. How is that he does wrong and I am the one hurting, I dont understand. I jsut want to be happy again, I have gotten used to feeling depressed all the time and its kind of scary. I feel like I will never find anyone as I am approaching 29...I wasted so many years to someone that munipulated me. Any insight or encouragement is much appreciated. Thanks for listening.. :(
Aww that sucks. What a douche bag. You should be proud of yourself that you stood your ground and didn't take him back. It will hurt for a while but with time things will get better.
Good Luck :D


Re: This is the hardest thing to get through, I feel so empt

goodkarma_1 said:
I am going through an 8yr breakup and its been so hard. Its been 5 months now and the pain doesnt seem to ease. He cheated and perhaps was cheating all along throughout the relationship adn on top of that he abused me once before and I STILL gave him a second chance. I loved this guy so much, nver cheated and helped him in anyway that I could. He has pleaded for me to come back, but I have stood my ground. Now he finds that Ive been going out with friends and he has completly shut me out and even though I know that going back to him is wrong this still hurts. I guess him moving on is hard to grasp becuase I still havent moved on myself. Im sure he has someone else now and this hurts so bad. How is that he does wrong and I am the one hurting, I dont understand. I jsut want to be happy again, I have gotten used to feeling depressed all the time and its kind of scary. I feel like I will never find anyone as I am approaching 29...I wasted so many years to someone that munipulated me. Any insight or encouragement is much appreciated. Thanks for listening.. :(

Hiya im so sorry that you feel this way...
if i was you i would get yaself up you are 21 lovie and you certainly dont need a man like that in your life he has made you feel like you are worthy of nothing so id get out meet people and enjoy your life you are here for a good time not a long time i had this prob with mt ex! he beet me hated me cheated on my and i think f**k you im better than that so live love...X


Re: This is the hardest thing to get through, I feel so empt

goodkarma_1 said:
I am going through an 8yr breakup and its been so hard. Its been 5 months now and the pain doesnt seem to ease. He cheated and perhaps was cheating all along throughout the relationship adn on top of that he abused me once before and I STILL gave him a second chance. I loved this guy so much, nver cheated and helped him in anyway that I could. He has pleaded for me to come back, but I have stood my ground. Now he finds that Ive been going out with friends and he has completly shut me out and even though I know that going back to him is wrong this still hurts. I guess him moving on is hard to grasp becuase I still havent moved on myself. Im sure he has someone else now and this hurts so bad. How is that he does wrong and I am the one hurting, I dont understand. I jsut want to be happy again, I have gotten used to feeling depressed all the time and its kind of scary. I feel like I will never find anyone as I am approaching 29...I wasted so many years to someone that munipulated me. Any insight or encouragement is much appreciated. Thanks for listening.. :(

Hiya im so sorry that you feel this way...
if i was you i would get yaself up you are 29 lovie and you certainly dont need a man like that in your life he has made you feel like you are worthy of nothing so id get out meet people and enjoy your life you are here for a good time not a long time i had this prob with mt ex! he beet me hated me cheated on my and i think f**k you im better than that so live love...X