This is me:


New member
Ok... Well... I'm JM... I've got Medium Layored Dark Brown hair... Dark Brown eyes... I wear glasses due to the fact that I got Glass dust in my eye and tore of 90% of my cornea and am to afraid to put my contacts back in... 8O...
I'm a highschool senior... Thank God... Finally I'll get out of this damn thing they call school... Sadly only to enter another version of it... I'm in Band and am the Teachers Aid for my Art teacher, I got recommended I guess... I'm not very social... I hate the way people look at me, like they're criticizing everything that is me... I don't have many friends because I don't talk to people, I don't know what to say, I feel like they'll think I'm stupid if I try to say something... The few friends I do have (Like 3) don't really understand me... But I could tell them anything if I felt like it...
I drown myself into music and art... they're like my drugs... It's the way I cope with things...
I hate large crowds... It makes me nervous... and Public places... Like restrooms and Offices...
I don't communicate well, because I don't know what to say, I stumble around words all the time and that makes me feel stupid because I can't get my words out right... I can't even talk to my parents that well...
I have Bipolar, O.D.D, A.D.H.D, R.A.D, anxiety and social phobias...
I'm working getting past self defeating thoughts and I have very low, if any, self-esteem and confidence... :(
I don't understand why everyone makes me uncomfortable... Maybe I make them uncomfortable... I don't know...
I'm a confused person right now, because I'm bisexual but I think I may be a Lesbian... and the one boyfriend I've been able to keep for a long time doesn't know what to do with himself... I hurt him and I always do that to people... God...
My biological parents always told me I was stupid, worthless, and that I'd never amount to anything... And my mom blamed me for my fathers death because I wasn't there for him... I had gotten thrown in Foster Care for about the last time... I ended up getting adopted... My mom blamed everything that went wrong in her life on me... And I still believe that everything that goes wrong is my fault... It has to be... No one else is to blame...
I don't know...
I'm working on getting through this but nothing seems to help and I'm losing hope... I need to get over this because the field I want to go into is Psychology to become a casemanager... And you have to deal with clients and their families and coworkers... and I don't know how to handle that many people... :( ...
I don't know...
I guess that's me...
Nice to Meetchu if you send me a message or what ever...



Well-known member
Hello JustifyMe, I'm sorry about everything, it sounds like you've had a hard life. :(

Welcome to the forum though. :)


Well-known member
Wow and some of us think we have it bad. Then again is it realy productive to compare who has it worst.LOL Anyway welcome aboard to your new home. Feel free to take a look around the place. I even think there are refreshments in the fridge.


New member
Thanks... Refreshments... I wonder if there is Dr. Pepper... Mmmm...

Thank you guys...

And yeah... Not really productive to compare contrast whose got it bad...

