this is me


when its dark outside, i can walk with my head up and not worry about a thing.
when its busy and daylight i cannot look up, i wont even use crosswalks cause of the thought of people looking at me. i know its stupid cause i think about it after but its different when its actually happening.

at work im around alot of people, and everybody there seems fine and im easily an outcast. i cannot look people in the eyes at all and when i try to it lasts a few seconds and my eyes dart away. this makes me feel as if people see me as inferior, i also cannot handle performing infront of others.

even meeting with friends, still i get the sinking stomach and pounding heartbeat. In school i made it to grade 10 where i couldnt even handle it and ended up dropping out. sometimes i would even just sit in the bathroom and listen to my music just to skip thru the day and avoid people. i wouldnt even find this boring thats the funny part.

i remember being like this all my life, my brother says when i was really young, grade 1 so 6 or something that i would just stand at school in the corner and stare at the wall. i stay away from the outside world, i have 4 days off a week and i sit on my computer 10 hours a day, and i have no problem with it which is whats starting to bother me. i dont know if i'll end up going psychotic one day or what. im only 19 and somedays my mind just feels weak, i have alot of hate

i cannot handle my emotions, i rarely lose my cool, ever.
but for example, a co-worker of mine spoke to me in a way that i found disrespectful and i unfortunately lost my cool. and when this happens i turn red, not just blushing but blood red, my jaw shakes when i try to talk and my hands do aswell, my eyes feel watery and i sweat like hell, i feel like i could just go insane and start smashing people, i sort of feel high on adrenaline.

of course i do have my up days, where i feel great. im usually comfortable and can act myself around my roommates. whom are few that truely see that side of me. and literally a couple other people in my life.
i feel like i have multiple personalities sometimes

feel free to share/comment, thanks


Well-known member
Welcome to the forum! Sounds like your social anxiety is severe. Have you seen a Psychiatrist? Are you on any medication.

I too have eye contact issues and that sometimes can make me look inferior, which I HATE! But, other than that, I can socialize.
unfortunetly you have all the signs of acute social anxiety disorder, although i'm guessing you may have already worked that out seeing you are on this forum.

i'm not sure if i have any advice for you really, other then that don't listen to anyone that tells you they can cure you of it, as there is no cure, and they are more then likely just trying to take your money. it can be managed i suppose, but in my 20 odd years of suffering it, i havn't found anything standout as being sucessfull. You're lucky in that you're still young though, just dont try and avoid social situations as best you can, the more you force yourself to socialise ther better chances you have to fight the condition. best of luck and remember, you are not alone.
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i havent seen a psychiatrist, and i do not take medications.
I smoke, not much though. a pack every 3 or 4 days. and i smoke marijuana.
I've been told by a few people to try and cut the chemicals, but i have an extremely addictive personality. and if im not stoned i feel stressed, and obsess over it.. even though its just pot lol.. sounds sad