This is a friggin nightmare !


Well-known member
I'm sorry for upsetting people by talking about commiting suicide ; obviously I didn't go through with it again. I don't want to die, but living this life that I do, I would rather be dead. I am almost totally alone, and my anxiety about being around people becomes worse with each year, because someone always ends up saying or doing something that makes me so upset or angry, that I do not want to be around people. I'm very bitter, very angry, very depressed and painfully lonely. I'm so lonely that I cry every day, and I don't have anyone to just call and talk to, or if I do, I don't because I think those people don't really like me. :roll:


Well-known member
I feel that way too. I don't want to die either but lately I have strange feelings I've never experienced before. When my husband or anybody upsets me, I'll think about how they just don't get it and nobody cares about me and my life is just pointless and it doesn't even matter. I cry for hours and think I want to do something, I don't know what but something because I'm just so angry and hurt. Sometimes I feel like I've lost my mind and it's scary. I don't like losing control but I have been lately.


Well-known member
It is never the want of death but rather resignation. The hopelessness and hiding. Know that no one wants to die, even suicides never wanted to die. It is simply change that people want, whenever they know this or not. There is always one way out open for everyone, at all times, but it is by no means the thing they want even when they say they do.

To clarify, no one ever wants to die, if you do you just want change and are resigned at life, given up, to end. I know the feeling, I used to want to "die".

[EDIT] Well that was irrelevant, I just re-read your post Lonely and you pretty much explained it. Also do you have an outlet? Art/sport/reading ect.? Something not completely disconnected from society can help.