Hiya Scardecat & Ice!
Did you take notice it's been OVER an hour since I checked in?

(I am not even going to reveal what this 'surprised" icon looks like TO ME! Ummm. Let's just say that if the icon was at a porn site, I'm certain it would be getting a lot of hits. It's surpising that I'm actually surprised that it is surprised) Anyway ( I am very good at rabbiting!) don't start clapping for me yet...the truth is, I couldn't control my compulsion to organize my bathroom... it was just way too out of sorts! My GaWsHhhh... the couple of shampoos I've got were with the WRONG conditioners!! GASP! HORRORS! And although I am ashamed to admit this, I was using a white wash cloth with a beige towel.

I may never get into Heaven for THAT ONE!

The bathroom is where I spent the majority of the day.. and although I probably would have benefited more from getting a shower, (esp. if someone dropped by... peeeeeUUU!

) my shower had to wait until everything was sorted out and organized completely, and there fore I was able to focus on the shower and not the fact that something wasn't perfect in the bathroom!
I know exactly what you mean about your privacy and anyone finding out who you REALLY are Scardecat! Sometimes when I write, I will be wondering if someone will get the wrong impression of me... like I am really a "me"... I am a just a 'cyber someone', right? THEN... why do I feel like I have eyes all over me even when I write? :? Like someone at the food store is going to SEE ME looking for my notes and say outloud: "OH! Oh! OH! EVERY ONE
LOOK!!! IT'S 'OCDme' FROM SPW!!!!!"
And Ice, as far as a cure.... not that I'm aware of. I suppose there are meds... meds to make you stop counting? Wouldn't surprise me, there are meds to make you want to quit smoking. (Zyban... nasty stuff... REAL nasty stuff! Feels like you are trying to get a mega huge peice of styrofoam down your throat when you eat anything and you get 'addicted' to other things.. like water.. and ICE, Ice! I was employed when I tried Zyban and I was ALWAYS
crawling into the cafeteria gasping for air and begging for H2O.. liquid or frozen! My manager told me to either start smoking again or I would be fired.

Anyway, I've discussed some of my OC 'habits' with my psych, the ones that really frustrate me, and I KNOW she is just trying to make me okay with it, because she will say that I am not being compulsive or obbsessive, I am being 'responsible'..... responsible? RESPONSIBLE? If that's what the -ell it is, please GOD, make me irresponsible, make me not give a flying ~~beeeep~~ ! If my psych is right, which I really don't believe she is, than I am more than just responsible---- I am certainly compulsive about being obsessed with responsibilty, or somethig like that!!! :roll: :lol:
My OCD was sometimes WORSE than the SP when I worked... I loathed working with a computer that was used by everyone... it was filthy & had EVERYONE ELSE'S favorite snacks embedded in the keys! Arghh... sometimes I would need to clean the entire computer before I could concentrate enough to do any work and ohhhhhhh how it used to frustrate me how DISORGANIZED almost every place I ever worked at was! My productivity sucked because of it, too! I worked at ONE place that ran everything like clock work and every thing was kept and could be found exactly where it belonged..... and I could actually work even beyond my potential there and received a few awards because of it. I swear, 'potential' wasn't part of my anatomy at the other places. To me, disorganization meant 'they' didn't give a ~~beeeep~~, so guess what, neither did I! I put my time in and that was ALL. Oh, that and I organized my locker a good bit. :lol: I'm NOT kidding!

Do/have either of you work/worked? At work, it BOTHERED me because I felt as if I should be a part of it all, but I'm not like that at anyone elese's homes, etc., or think any less of anyone because they are disorganized, quite contrary, I desperately long to be like them!
BTW~~ AET SNOTPIL ~~ that's "LIPTONS TEA" backwards... aren't you just SO GLAD I've shared that with you, & doesn't that just make your day/night?? :lol: I am so beyond help... and darn proud of it, too! :lol: Actually.... aet (eat) snotpil makes me think of taking Zyban again.... :lol: