this could stop your SA


ever since i saw this post i have become obsessed with paul mckenna. his tapping of the pressure points might not be the best to help with anxiety, but he has some great trance audio programs which have helped me quite a bit with anxiety. give this a try you will like it its a free sample of one of his trance tracks and if done correctly it will help you greatly. the trick is to use headphones and not speakers. i also find it works best when you totally ignore everything he says, basically just listen to it and don't try to actually do what he says. i know it sounds weird but you will see what i mean. the way i understand it is your unconcious mind is affected directly by the trance music and his words and it will absorb all of it, even if you fall asleep! please message me if you would like to know where to download more of his audio tracks, i will gladly tell you! the more you listen to these tracks, the more you will get better. i am living proof of this. just a few weeks ago i was feeling suicidal, now after listening to these tracks i dont even remember what feeling suicidal feels like!

EDIT - LA-girl, I totally agree with you! I totally agree with you about being cautious about this trance track and I would feel terrible if it caused anyone's condition to get worse. I guess I was so amazed of how well it worked for me that I didn't even bother about thinking about how it may affect others in different ways. Because of this I think I should put up a note of caution:

Although this track may help some drastically, there is always the chance that it may have a negative effect like any other treatment. Please listen with caution if you decide to try it out and just stop listening if you start to feel negatively at all!

I don't mean to do anyone any harm, I truly just want to help and personally for me this was the biggest help I have gotten in a long time and I wanted to pass it on to all of you. You do remain totally concious throughout the entire track and you have total control over your body so you can stop the track any time you want. If you would rather check out Paul Mckenna's website first, that would probably be the best way to start Thanks guys, and take care!


Well-known member
Feaster said:
ever since i saw this post i have become obsessed with paul mckenna. his tapping of the pressure points might not be the best to help with anxiety, but he has some great trance audio programs which have helped me quite a bit with anxiety. give this a try you will like it its a free sample of one of his trance tracks and if done correctly it will help you greatly. the trick is to use headphones and not speakers. i also find it works best when you totally ignore everything he says, basically just listen to it and don't try to actually do what he says. i know it sounds weird but you will see what i mean. the way i understand it is your unconcious mind is affected directly by the trance music and his words and it will absorb all of it, even if you fall asleep! please message me if you would like to know where to download more of his audio tracks, i will gladly tell you! the more you listen to these tracks, the more you will get better. i am living proof of this. just a few weeks ago i was feeling suicidal, now after listening to these tracks i dont even remember what feeling suicidal feels like!

Is this some sort of hypnosis? In that case I think one should be aware of the dangers involved. I know you said it worked wonders for you, and believe me I am very happy that your condition has improved! But personally I'm just very skeptical to these type of "treatments" and I think it is smart to examine the possabilities for side effects, like with any treatment.

Ahh, I feel like such a "party-pooper" here, but all I'm saying is think twice...that's all... :)