Third-dimensional thinking


Well-known member
The article below comes from a New Age website.

It is another way of looking at the third-person perspective, instead of the first-person one, or modelling yourself as a social object.


Dear Ones,
We, the Arcturian expression of our many grounded ones, wish to assist you in releasing the habit of being third dimensional. This habit, like all habits, is a set of behaviors that originate in your unconscious mind. Therefore, you are not consciously aware of these habitual actions, thoughts and emotions. Hence, you do not know the reason for these habits. To change a habit you must bring up from your unconscious mind and into your conscious awareness. Once you can consciously observe your habit, you can begin to change it.

At first, you may not be aware that certain habitual actions and thoughts make you feel unhappy. However, if you continue to observe when you feel unhappy, you can begin to trace that feeling back to its source. For example, you may not know why you are feeling anxious for quite awhile, but you keep observing yourself. Then once day, you realize that a certain thought, that used to be unconscious and is now conscious, always makes you feel anxious.

Therefore, you can begin to change that thought by trying to "catch yourself in the act."

• At first it may take several days for you to realize that you are feeling anxious, because you have allowed yourself to think in a certain way.
• Then, with continued observation, you realize you are anxious because you just had that thought.
• Then, you have the "last time" experience, in which you can catch yourself in the NOW of having that thought. But, you cannot change it! This is very important, for you can clearly observe how the type of thinking makes you feel anxious.
• After you catch your self in the act, you can stop the thought just before you have it and transmute it into a higher frequency thought.
• Eventually, you will heal yourself of thinking in that fashion and suffer much less anxiety.

The best way to catch yourself in the habit of being third dimensional is to be conscious of your third dimensional thinking. Third dimensional thinking is based on time, space, separation, limitation, gender and illusion. This type of thinking brings about many fearful emotions because you are constantly on the clock of what you have to do, how far you have to go to do it, other people that you have to deal with, all the limitations that you must surmount, social gender issues, and myriad illusions. Third dimensional thinking lowers your consciousness and dis-allows you to perceive the amazing reality that is just beyond your limited perceptions.

Bringing the source of your third dimensional thinking out of your unconscious and into your conscious awareness is the same process as releasing habits. Eventually, you must "catch yourself in the act," so that you can transmute your third dimensional thinking into its higher expression of multidimensional thinking. It is through conscious recognition of the emotions that arise from third dimensional thinking that you can begin your process of releasing that type of thinking.

Third dimensional thinking is largely fear-based, and many fear-based emotions arise from the myriad limitations, loss of personal power and loneliness that arise from it. At first, you may not realize that you are thinking in a time-bound, third dimensional way. However, you are very aware that you are feeling nervous, anxious, depressed, angry or sad. Instead of asking yourself what outside event initiated these feelings, you ask yourself what thought initiated this feeling. In other words, instead of looking into the illusions of your third dimensional world to find the source of your emotions, you look inside to your own manner of thinking.

For the first-person perspective, see:

Modelling yourself as a social object: