Thinking of weening off some medication.


Well-known member
I have a back story with why I was put on medication in the first place, but won't go into too much detail as it would take forever to write. I will say that I was 90% functional with some symptoms (cognitive delay being one of them) before taking a drug that made me feel a hundred times worse. That drug was Haldol. I don't recommend it.

Basically I had the whole social anxiety thing going on, but learned naturally how to cope with it. I had social anxiety and some problems with my cognition dealing with memory and concentration for the most part.

I switched doctors to get off Haldol because the first doctor wasn't hearing my complaints with the medication and he told me that Haldol pushes everything down pretty much. He took me off it and switched it up with Zyprexa, which didn't help much either.

I told him after a year of taking Zyprexa that I had anxiety... more anxiety than I had before taking medication, which proved to me that the medications (especially the Haldol medication) was chemically inducing anxiety.

Ever since being on medication I have been feeling very frustrating symptoms. I am extremely irritable at night. I hate certain members of my family with a passion because they have an obnoxious personality which I can't tolerate or stand, and what else, oh... I feel anxiety in my mind, heart with other annoying feelings like this uncomfortable sensation around my knee area.

I am beginning to wonder if the medication is actually making me worse. It is true that concentration and memory have improved, but I give myself credit for that and not the medication because I read a lot of manga and read Subtitles when watching anime, which I do every night. The amount of reading I've been doing over the years has improved my cognition naturally.

The only thing that makes me appear to be a little extreme or even crazy is my religious beliefs. I believe that Jesus died for my sins, that He resurrected from the tomb on the third day, that He ascended to Heaven to sit at the right hand of God the Father, and that in place of His dwelling on Earth He gives the gift of the Holy Spirit which is like a seal that guarantees that your soul and spirit will be saved after you die. However, religion is only viewed as insanity by ignorant people who don't understand the things of the Spirit for they can only be discerned "spiritually."

I don't know, I just feel like a lot of my problems with anxiety and paranoia is caused by all the chemicals that I'm putting in my body. I am told that if I go off medication I will fall back into a mental state of psychosis but is that just to keep me fearful and to stay on the medication out of fear that something bad will happen if I don't?

I'm thinking of risking it, and testing the waters for a year. See if any symptoms come back, and if they do, well... then I will know the medication truly works. But if I am pretty much the same, or better! Then I will know that my problems were indeed chemically induced by the amount of medication I've been taking over the years.

What do you guys think... should I start weening off the medication really slowly? I will stay on one medication that I like, because it's light on my symptom. It's called Celexa. But as far as the Risperidone is concerned. I don't think it's agreeing with me.


Well-known member
Actually I am only going to ween off a little bit of Risperidone rather than ween off the entire medication. The reason why I've been putting up with it all this time is because there is a clear difference and improvement in my social skills and cognition. Both at which were terrible before taking medication. I will ween off a little bit to see if it curbs the chemical anxiety and will then leave it there. I am obviously not a doctor and shouldn't try to pretend I have everything figured out. I know my body and how I feel but I don't want to mess around with something that I don't fully understand.