recluse said:
I feel as though i want to cry all the time especially in the morning before going to work(although i put on an act to my workmates), i feel despair and my heart feels heavy, i feel i have nothing to look forward to in life. The worst feeling of all is feeling inadequete. I feel that no girl would ever like to be in my company because i have nothing to say, i have no funny o'r interesting stories to tell, and after all girls want a guy who can make them laugh don't they? Why would anyone want to be with the negative wreck i am? I can't see any reason why anyone (guys included) would want to be in my company.
Hey man I feel real bad for you I felt the same for many years. You are not alone. As much as u think no1 else is goin through wat u are; they are.
Ok here is my take. You have very low self-esteem and this repels other people. I don't know you but I'm guessing that you- not knowing why you are repelling people blame it on your looks, voice, height, personality, lack of humour and a million other unrelated things.
You are everything you want to be, but because of your feelings of inadequacy and shyness you can't express your true personality. The more one is able to express their true personality the more attractive they are to other people.
So you need to work on developing your self-esteem and confidence. Yes it can be developed you don't have to be born with it. As for women the way to attract them is confidence. Let me just quote an attractive woman I was recently talking to 'Women love confidence. They are attracted to it like moths to a flame. I might be really attracted to a guy at first but within 10 seconds I will know if I really like him'. Don't worry about looks. They help but you can definitely get women without, just look around it happens all the time but because of your world view you are always screening it out and making excuses why you couldn't.
p.s. u r not a bad lookin guy, I just know in our fucked up society men can get bent up over appearance. We're turning in2 women these days.