the way HOW i act.


I'm always self concious about how i walk, sit, eat, talk.. i think i'm obsessed about it.
Yesterday i sat at a terrace, and i felt like am i sitting comfortable? Doesnt my arms look weird? Do i have a weird face expression? Do i have to smile? Do i look mean? Do i look nervous? Do i talk with soft voice? Do i have to talk loud? And i thought that i was drinking on a weird manor. Like i didnt like the drink.. That my face looked dirty. And that .. while i liked the drink..
Wtf is going on with me? I'm sick of this ...
And i also have this, when i'm in a shop, i think everyone thinks that i'm stealing something, I WOULD NEVER DO THAT!! but i think that the girls/boys from the shops are looking at me, and then i feel like i'm acting sneaky. :confused:
But i will never do that!!!! It makes me feel quilty while i never would do anything wrong!! (i have a good heart)

It's just so weird ::(:

Is this just my SA, or is this another disorder?? :confused:

Oh and when i walk , i feel like i dont walk comfortable, i feel like i walk very unconfident, and on a weird way..
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Well-known member
I actually practise my stoic face in front of the mirror so that people I'm with will be amazed by how relaxed I am when I go out. HAHAHA


Well-known member
I think the same many times, but then i tell myself that these thoughts r irrational and just try to ignore 'em, tellin myself i'm better then that.


Well-known member
I always feel like everyone thinks i'm going to nick stuff from shops whenever I go in them for some reason. Even though i've never stolen anything ever. I always keep my hands out of my pockets and zip them up to make myself look less guilty. I also hate going through those alarm things by the door in case they go off. I think to myself that I look shifty and awkward. That's why I avoid shops if possible.

I'm always very aware when out and about how I think I must look to other people. Like I must look worried, nervous, shifty, guilty etc. Quite irrational.


Active member
That's just because your just being too much self-conscious, try focusing on what's around you rather than focusing on what's inside you. Look at things around you , smell flowers , touch things around, listen to the birds singing or whatever. Might work. It's not a disorder^^