The trick into gettin' the ladies.


New member
You people are being way to hard on yourselves really.

You must understand because of our condition its mainly how "WE" Percieve things. We think that No one like us, no one wants us, we dont fit in, we dont have a personality , we can't hold a meaningful conversation and such.

This is the MAIN thing holding you back. I also have SA. I get extremely nervous (more certain times than others) and when in a social situation... mainly talking to girl I calm myself down, by SELF TALK, and thinking positivly instead of ALL THE NEGATIVE POSSIBILITIES THAT COULD HAPPEN. This is really important adnd i assure you it HELPS. You must realize that they really don't KNOW your nervous.. only YOU DO. We always think that someone will judge us, we think that if we say something stupid or stutter saying something... are start to sweat that it's game over. We've failed. That isn't the Case. EVERYONE Fucks up sometimes... you ust realize no ones perfect and that we all fuck up when trying to say or explain things. From ALOT OF EXPERIENCE. and ALOT OF FUCK UPS i've IMPROVED MYSELF. When it comes to ladies i calm my ass down. and if you EVER want one. you must Try to be confident. Just because we dont have the best social skills as everyone else, doesn't mean it can't happen. It's important to PUT yourself in social situations Just for the experience, not for a win or loose type of thing, but just for the EXPERIENCE. Graduallly the social anxiety weakens, not entirely but it GOES WAY ALOT, and you see big improvements.

I'm what alot of girls consider, "Attractive". And you might or not be. And alot of you know if you think you are and arn't. I'm sure most of know you arn't UGLY or you know your ATTRACTIVE, but you just cant seem to feel like you can get anybody. The truth is, if your sorta "cute" your changes are very high, if you just "talk to them" or approach them and ask them about themselvs, that you can come out of anywhere with a number. I know this from experience. Whenever in a social situation with anybody, boy or girl, friend or crush, just try to talk. People like the ones who TALK. EVen if you wanna be someones friend, just TALK to them about "WHATEVER" nothing wierd or out of the ordinary, but something that relates somehow to your enviorment, or the situation your in. ITS EASIER THEN YOU THINK. You might feel the anxiety come about, but trust me, when you let your tounge speak, and BE YOURSELF. it eases.

If you have any questions ask me. I've explained it the best way i know how.

Good luck people. And be CONFIDENT! 8)


New member
IF you have a brain you can think of something. and i'm not saying that in a mean way, but its the truth.

You can say something like " So what ya do this weekend?" OR How've you been? "Hows life" it happens just like that. one thing leads to another. After conversating on those things for a bit, your conversation escalates.

Try it.


New member
Heres some of the self-talk i use :

"Calm down, there's nothing wrong with me talking to them"
"Don't get nervous, they don't think i'm nervous, only I Do, DOn't be nervous anymore"
"Im okay, they wanna talk to me, that's why there conversating with me"
"Im cool, im relaxed, just talking to someone"

These are some good examples. You just have to say "positive" things to calm yourself. and actually BELIEVE THEM

The way you use "what if" like "what if something goes wrong" think to yourself instead " What if they like me" "What if they think im cool" "What if they wanna be my friend" NO one ISNT going to like you for no reason. If your mean, if you say something negative about them. those are reasons people dont like you. NOt for reaasons such as talking to them. Be positive, don't be negative.