The Theory


New member
I've heard people say they were born with SA. I don't believe anyone is born with SA. There is a cause. It started for me somwhere between middle school and High School. I can't figure out what happened. I used to feel free. Now I feel nervous around people, my mind just goes blank and I panick in my mind. Nothing comes into my mind. All train of thought ends and I have to think about what I have to say. Everytime I am approched by someone or approach someone there is a bubble of tension around me. I've even been told that others can feel my tension. I really want to be socially active, but I've Isolated myself. I see myself as an observer now. It sucks because I'm wasting away day after day. Enough Bitchin. Anyways I've come to realize that SA is a defense mechanism that my body or mind has created. There had to be a Starting event which caused my brain to create this defense mechanism and to continually apply this mechanism everytime it concluded that a similar event, whether conscious or unconscious, was going to occur. So by continually applying this mechanism, it went from an unnatural mechanism(not pre codded into our brain) to a natural mechanism (like breathing), So now the brain automatically activates this mechanism without our control. I believe I must figure out the starting even in order th figure out the cause of this mechanism and why the brain reacted this way, so that I can consciously control and stop the mechanism from activating. Eventually, my brain should decode this mechanism back to an unnatural state. Its kind of like re-wiring the brain. I think its possible, but the key is knowing and understanding the first event. Comments on my theory? If someone can expand on it maybe we can figure out how to apply a solution.


i wish i had been online when you were because i can really relate to what your saying. i agree that nobody is born with SA but i think that some people have personalities that are susceptible to it and it only takes a small event to trigger it off. i think the same thing like what am i going to say and its very annoying because it means im always tense. anyway i hope you do find a way to rewire the brain.


Well-known member
wellll this sucks i had SA for like most of my life and i dont remember anything that could've triggered whatever in my brain. what if i dont remember anything does that mean ill be like this all my life or wut???
me soo confused :?


Well-known member
No, you won't be like this all your life. There is more than one way to free yourself. This way might work for some people but not for others. You'll find something that works for you. We all will.


New member
I think that its great you have given this some thought. In order to start overcoming SA, I think you have to understand it. 2 books that may be of interest-
1. "Dying of Embarassment" by Markway, et al (there are 4 authors)
has great insights into the biological aspect and "baby steps" to gaining your life back
2. Don't laugh- "Self Matters" by Dr Phil. This book really gives you insight into how you became who you are today. I think I found the behaviorial trigger to my SA (I believe is has a biological basis but can be triggered by an event(s)) and this has helped me to know. I can trace my behavior to a specific event, and others that have reinforced this undesirable behavior.
Good Luck