The state of the world today


Well-known member
It's August 26, 2007 and in case anyone hasn't noticed the world is a big mess right now. Natural disasters everywhere, crime rates have shot up, never before seen events are taking place.
So what's my point? Well..whats going on? Does anyone besides me ever wonder that? :?
This is what I think, the bible says that toward the end of man's reign here on earth everything will get much much worse. That is before Jesus comes again. I know people say that everyone says Jesus is coming soon and He never seems to come, well the bible says to the people who say that, that it isn't that He's taking a long time, its that He loves us so much He wants to give us every opportunity to repent and come to Him. But the way the world is going I'd say we are living in the last days. This will be the generation that sees the coming of the Lord.
Are you ready?
To those who don't believe in Him, be sure of what you say. Make very very sure. Because if you are wrong, your very life, your very eternity are at stake. God loves you, but time for all of us is running out. He gave us free will to choose Him or reject Him, He won't force you.
When people see darkened clouds and hear the thunder they know it is about to rain. Well, don't ignore the signs of the times now. When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, deaths and famines, all kinds of disasters, know that the time is near. The time is now.. Look up!


Well-known member
I didn't read your entire post, because it became to churchy. But to actually believe the world is in the worst state than it has ever been in, is nonsense. What about WW2 and the black plague?

20+ years ago, during the cold war, everyone thought the world would come to an end on account of a nuclear war.


Well-known member
This 'Jesus' person will come only when the world ends just so he can clap at the marvelous work 'he's' done.


Well-known member
Every generation since Jesus died had believed that they were living in the end times. So far every generation has been proved wrong.

August 27th 1942 - This looked pretty bad for the world. Europe was under the control of a mad dictator who was systematicly wiping out everyone who didn't fit into his doctrine. Civilians in European cities were becoming accustomed to firey brimstone falling from the skies in the form of explosives. Life was cheap.

August 27th 1916 - Millions of young men were dying in what can only be described as hell on earth, the western front. Their cause seemed pointless and for thousands of christian dying in the mud they thought they surely must be living in the end of days.

August 27th 1862 - Urbanisation was taking its toll, living conditions were terrible in most major cities and crime was rampant. People were publically executed, a spectacle that most of us modern day westerners can barely imagine. Brothers were fighting brother in the American Civil War in complete defiance of what the bible preached. Surely this was the end times....

August 27th 1815 - Europe was still recovering from the Battle of Waterloo, tens of thousands of young men lay in the cold clay of Belgium and thousands more cluttered the weary streets of Europe begging for coins to support their families... for with missing limbs these veterans found life difficult. A massive eruption unlike anything experienced for generations had shattered the climate worldwide. One volcano in Indonesia caused what is still referred to as "the year without a summer". Untold amounts of people died when their crops failed. Surely this was the end....?

My point is... sure there are a lot of terrible things going on in this world but they do still not eclipse events even from recent history (let alone the turmoil experienced in the 1500 years prior right back to Roman times) I see no evidence that we are in any more in the 'end times' now than previous generations who experienced untold horrors.


Well-known member
the world is coming to its end, its invitable. But a strange little story about father, son and the holy ghost written by few people influenced by peyotles maybe can be useful this days. Lets make a church?


Well-known member
I totally agree with Horatio 8)
Every culture has a belief in a end-of-world situation in some near future or other.
Im inclined to go along with the Hindu Yuga belief where we are living in the Descending Arc of The Golden Age. The best part of this is that although we have some major shit to go thru as we descend, the Acension Arc will follow (coz theyre linked in a neverending wheel)
(we are presently just past the age of aquarius point)

this ones in colour!



Well-known member
I just read something that chilled me. People Jesus is coming and very soon. We are living in the end times as I speak.
Is anyone else bothered by what is happening in Europe? They have made a replica to the tower of Babel..Their anthem is based on lyrics concerning a pagan goddess and uniting all men in brotherhood by magic..
They have a stamp of a woman riding a beast and its their official picture..and other symbols that are nothing short of witchcraft.
Let him who has eyes to see and ears to hear, see and know the truth. Read about it. 2