The Social Phobia World Youtube Channel!


Well-known member
This is an idea I literally just thought up a few minutes ago so apologies if it sounds ridiculous.
Well I originally joined this site to gain confidence to make my own youtube channel devoted to social anxiety/OCD etc. However I just thought it would be even better If people on this site got involved making videos, Giving advise for certain topics or general promotion. It would be more effective if it were a joint effort and worked in conjunction with this site.
This may or may not happen and I don't even know if its possible yet but would anyone be interested?


Well-known member
Why has no one ever thought about that earlier ? It sounds like a great idea to me. :) However I'm not pleading to put a vid of myself on there. :D


Well-known member
Why has no one ever thought about that earlier ? It sounds like a great idea to me. :) However I'm not pleading to put a vid of myself on there. :D

Lol I'm willing to bet many of us will share the same opinion. Great idea, but I'm not posting a vid! It really is a great idea though, and hopefully someone will break the mold and share some things. Thing is, I fear that first video will gain attention that many of us look to avoid, and the process of subsequent videos will be slow.


Well-known member
I will try to push myself to make videos. It wont be easy but then it took guts for someone to make this site didn't it?
surprise yourself! :)


Well-known member
If people were to give me topic and the sort of information they feel should be said, I wil make a few videos myself then others can chip in with their videos when they feel comfortable.
you don't need to be in the videos yourself, you could provide useful notes to those who will make the videos, as well as use info from the forums