The picture that goes with your name


lol just read this post and realised my older post is kinda dodgy now ive changed my avatar pic thingy 8O i have a pic of 2pac up cos i like his poetry and how passionate he was about his life and his worth ethic.


Well-known member
ScaredGirl said:
Hi all,

Why did you choose the picture you did to go with your nickname? I chose the globe with the happyface because it represents all of us talking together and the good feeling it brings me inside.

Scared Girl

I was looking for an avatar and this one was the one i liked the most, it had a spiritual sense to it and also looked kind of like a strawberry cake but i don't mind that either.
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mine's only about the equipment I use, it was the only picture that would fit the 12 ko thing, to fucking lazy to edit one:p well as for now


Well-known member
Danfalc said:
Umm i really dont know to be honest, i thought it was kinda cute i guess :oops:

And crimefish.... your picture made me laugh my ass off the first time i read it :!:

LOL!! glad ya corrected yaself, i got a bit worried than haha! :D :lol: :lol:

hmmm i wonder why i chose mine? coz i like R&B music maybe? :roll:


Haha yeah i didnt realise till the thread came up again like months after had i has posted n changed my pic... 8O and i was like oh dear im saying i have a pic of 2 pac cos i think its cute. :lol: yup im a fan but nope i dont like himlike that lol.


Well-known member
hehe well i think im quite safe with mine seeing as i havent said anything that could easily be misread if i changed my display pic..which i do quite often obviously :lol:


Well-known member
I picked Black Mage because I'm the most repulsively cynical person alive.
And I'm morally bankrupt to boot.
It was a good match.


Well-known member
I chose Ralph Wigum because he makes me laugh, maybe because he's dumber than me


Well-known member
I like to manipulate my photos with photoshop, plus i wanted to put my pic there but i didnt want it to be very recognizable, so i put that weird one.


Well-known member
I chose me because I am finally learning to accept me and be happy with me. Its a funny pic of me, but thats me. :lol:

Not bad for 45, with 6 kids and 9 grandkids eh? :D


Well-known member
mine applies to everyone

ive had a few people saying they liked my picture, it's great :) mine represents how we all love our computers otherwise we woudnt be able to talk to each other! we r all computer geeks!


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woops, forgot to sign in!

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 1:46 pm Post subject: mine applies to everyone

:eek: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

ive had a few people saying they liked my picture, it's great mine represents how we all love our computers otherwise we woudnt be able to talk to each other! we r all computer geeks!


Well-known member
I found mine on Breaking Benjamin's myspace. I saw it and I thought it was cool and of course it fit perfectly.