The new portal for the social phobics has been opened.


Well-known member
CanibleisedPeach said:
whys it all in fuckin' foreign!?

Buddy! Relax!!! English isn't the only language on earth! ;)

Notice the .pl at the end? That means it's a polish website, thus, the polish language.

And should I remind you that you're in the "Social Anxiety Other Regions" section? that means a lot of non-English websites.


Well-known member
CanibleisedPeach said:
whys it all in fuckin' foreign!?

Keep calm! Why at once "fuckin"??

It's a Polish website, as nope1 wrote, so it's in Polish. If you want to check some words you don't know, here's some good link to the Polish-English online dictionary:

Feel free to use it.
