The New Guy


Well-known member
And not the lame movie :) Yeah, well I'm here like everyone else for the same sort of thing, though I may "just" have schizoid PD or avoidant PD; I've never been to a professional to really see. Anyways, I'm a 21 college student and, like many here, I've never been good with people. I always feel that everyone is staring at me, judging me and whatnot, the typical symptoms of social phobia, and I also have some serious self-esteem issues. As such, I can be pretty aggressive at times. These symptoms and feelings have particularly increased in the past 6 months. Six months ago I went to my "homeland" and sort of discovered the person I could have been. So, on my return, I've been in a constant state of depression (I guess dysthymic depression, though again, I've never been to a professional) and have become even more alienated from everybody else, even my roommates. Anyways, I just came upon this site and I think I could learn a lot from the people here. And who knows? Maybe once I'm knowledgeable enough I can help someone else :)


Well-known member
they always say that your worst enemy is yourself.... sometimes i feel like that...but it doesnt stop me from getting free from that kind phobia, i think for now i have done my best to surpass it.... you can do it also dan, just believe in yourself.....