The most wordless conversation of your life


Well-known member
JamesAnderson20 said:
what was it?
If you mean `worthless ', I must say to you that I have to get used to trivial conversation. I think this is one of my faults. I don´t like ta talk about things that people usually talk about. But, now I awareness of this trivial conversation are and open door to more deeper ones and friendships.
My worthless conversation on a chat was when I muslim asked me if I have hot. If I want a web camp. I said `Yes, I´m hot, but when I am with my husband´. I saw the positive side. At less, I practise English.

In the real world, the trivial conversation was with a man on a bus, I´ll offered him a mint sweet and we started to talk about the different prices of things in supermarkets. lol. But, This is one part of my therapy.
Strenght and honnor! :D


Well-known member
there are worthless ones everyday.. but its just shootin the breeze.. i actually dont really like those. but usually unless you LIKE to make conversation about really meaningless things (apparently some people do, but i dont), there are usually waysaround this. Afterall, it takes 2 people to be involved in a conversation.

now, WORDLESS... like what your title said... was with this guy i had the biggest crush on:

I was talking to him, and he goes: "You are SOO right..."

that was the most wordless and BEST one in my life.
The most wordless moments are the ones where I want to talk, but I end up not saying anything at all. My most worthless convos would be any type of small talk, whether it's on the elevator, with family, or certain kids at school trying to see the side of me that only my closest friends see.