The making of a fur coat, on the next Reading Rainbow


Well-known member
I hate people!

People are sick, twisted and evil! I've seen stuff like that before and it STILL manages to shock me and bring tears to my eyes.

I hate people!

(Not all people, obviously, just the sick, twisted, evil ones)


Well-known member
What it comes down to is the countries are so poor they probably can't afford to kill the animals properly without staining the fur. So they skin them alive to sell these coats to rich americans such as Ray Lewis, Arethra Franklin, and whoever else I'm forgetting.


Starry said:
I hate people!

People are sick, twisted and evil! I've seen stuff like that before and it STILL manages to shock me and bring tears to my eyes.

I hate people!

(Not all people, obviously, just the sick, twisted, evil ones)

The sick twisted evil people become that way because of normal people. It's the normal people that you should hate.

Better yet, just hate all people in general.


Well-known member
Starry said:
I hate people!

People are sick, twisted and evil! I've seen stuff like that before and it STILL manages to shock me and bring tears to my eyes.

I hate people!

(Not all people, obviously, just the sick, twisted, evil ones)

why did u watch it in the first place if u knew it contains natural violence? i would never click on it..


Well-known member
dzerklis said:
Starry said:
I hate people!

People are sick, twisted and evil! I've seen stuff like that before and it STILL manages to shock me and bring tears to my eyes.

I hate people!

(Not all people, obviously, just the sick, twisted, evil ones)

why did u watch it in the first place if u knew it contains natural violence? i would never click on it..

It's something I feel strongly about - I'd feel that I was a hypocrite if I complained about it without watching it...


Well-known member
This is one of the reasons why I hate people. People, most of them anyway, don't give a flying shit about anything but themselves. The type of people who buy fur coats don't give a hoot in hell that these animals had to live miserable lives and die in unspeakable agony, just so they can show off how much money they have or how wonderful they are. People are only concered about superficial garbage. I have to say I didn't click on the link, I don't want to have nightmares tonight. I have a pretty good idea of what goes on at these fur farms - I've seen enough TV documentaries and read enough articles to know what kind of barbarities go on at these concentration camps for animals. I sincerely hope that the people who own these farms, who make a profit out of the suffering of these poor creatures, burn in hell for all eternity. The same goes for the people without a conscience who buy fur products. They should all eat shit and die. Please pardon my crudeness, but that is how I feel.