The less stressors in your life the less anxiety you will have?


Well-known member
Can stress actually increase SA? I know stress can make you feel bad but does it actually increase SA? If that`s the case, is it true that the less stressors in your life the less anxiety you will have?
Yeah, I do think stress (and many other things for that matter) can cause your anxieties to get worse. But not in terms of exponentially worsening the condition as a whole. It's more an obstacle for recovery. :3

Of course, the specific situation which causes the stress also plays a large role. Stress alone is merely an obstacle that makes it more difficult, the situation itself is usually most damaging.


Well-known member
Can stress actually increase SA? I know stress can make you feel bad but does it actually increase SA? If that`s the case, is it true that the less stressors in your life the less anxiety you will have?

Actually, I believe this is true. The more your body is under anxiety, the more that it gets used to being in this state - the same applies to the opposite. If you get rid of a lot of stressors in your life and allow your body to experience calmness for a while, it gets used to being like that. I have done such a thing recently (getting rid of stressors) and whenver I get anxious.... my body automatically starts fighting the anxiety and it's amazing how much better it is at calming down quickly and not getting as anxious as it used to.


Well-known member
I think stress has a lot to do with it. I was always stressed out during school so I hardly had any time to even see the few friends I did have. When I wasn't at work or busy with school I just wanted to sit on my ass and relax or just sleep. I didn't have the energy to go out. But then not getting out made me so much more stressed. It got so hard to stay focused without doing fun stuff to balance out the stress. And then everything just snowballed. I got more tired, more stressed, the work took longer, had even less time for fun, friends and sleep, etc etc. So I've missed out on a lot of chances to build any social skills and I just bum around alone instead. Whatever.::(:


Well-known member
For me I personally think that when I'm happy the anxiety kind of decreases because I focus myself on the strong good thoughts. Like ever notice when something major good has happened you get all happy and more chatty.
For sure stress and SA are related in my opinion: it's a sort of vicious circle - SA makes stress worse and stress makes SA worse. The damage from stress can be serious, and the ones with SA are particularly exposed to it :(