The importance of self confidence and dating.


So, I have lost interest in dating anyway because I'm more concerned about myself but I was curious. Before a became SA and agoraphobic I had no problem dating at all. I mean I was even engaged once and have a son of 9 years. The thing is, it seems like I woke up one day and magically couldn't land a date even though during my high school years and a little after I was never single more than a week. Of course, at 29 that was quite a while ago but I have to question how a person is expected to have confidence when they always get rejected and especially after they used to have no trouble. Since I last truly dated I've been rejected by I think 37 females. It's been quite a while since I bothered asking anyone out for obvious reasons. Is it normal to be that rejected or it there something truly wrong with me? :question:


Well-known member
Obviously there's nothing wrong with you if you've been engaged and had long successes with dating.

Confidence is a very important asset with dating. After being rejected by 37 women, I'm sure your confidence has taken a battering, but all you can do is soldier on and keep trying.

I would lose count of the rejections, too. Once you start keeping count, you'll expect rejections all the time. That can lower confidence, and girls will be able to sniff that out. ;)


I don't know if this is true or not, but I think its also important for girls to have some level of confidence as well, even when it comes to dating.