The Gym


Well-known member
Anyone else out there afraid of working out in public? Since I've discovered that I have an anxiety disorder, I'm able to see how ridiculous it is for me to be afraid to go to the gym, I went to the university with work out clothes, shoes and even extra socks, but I couldn't bring myself to go to the gym....It's so silly.


Well-known member
I'm actually okay at the gym. I wear baggy pants though so people won't see as much of me. I even use the machines right at the front of the room (where everyone in the room faces). I dunno why but I just feel okay at the gym.


Well-known member
I can't bring myself to work out in front of other people. All that huffing and puffing and sweating and junk - nuh!! I do it at home in my room with a locked door. Don't look at me.


Well-known member
Yea I am.I don't want to because I don't want everyone to see how scrawny I am.Which is silly because you have to start some where but it still stoped me from going to a gym in the past.I really need to go to the gym though.


Well-known member
Well, yes, I often get self-conscious, but I still force myself to go to the gym three times a week. And it's worth it! It boosts my self esteem when I get bigger and stronger (still weak, though), and the release of endorphins, dopamin and serotonin has a noticable effect on my mood. Recommended!


Well-known member
If you want to get fit but are afraid, why not try jogging?

I used to go jogging with my Dad for about once a week a few years ago, I even entered some fun run competitions. I found this easy to do as my Dad would register me & get me through the stuff, then I would just go and hide in between all the other runners and get lost in the crowd hehe!
I always used to run on my own!

I used to enjoy this even though Im terribly shy!

But I gave that up when I got a belly LOL. Although everyone used to wear shorts, I always worse jogging bottoms, but now I cant even do that, Im terribly unfit these days and self conscious of my big belly as people keep asking me if Im pregnant! Its all those years of self indulging in front of the telly when my shyness makes things worser!


Well-known member
work out? you gotta be joking im too lazy for that. I wont use my anxiety as an excuse this time..its just the lack of will power lol


Well-known member
I just started at a gym today with a friend. Seemed alright, not much anxiety or anything :D
Hope to get fit and it's healthy and good for my selfesteem.. I hope 8O


im too lazy to even think about joining a gym :? .
but even if i would want to join one id probably be too much of a chicken to actually do it.


Well-known member
I had a fear of going the gym for ages but I decided id had enough and started going. I prob go about 3/4 times a week but I still feel uncomftable that people are watching me and stuff. But the gym is a postive thing so its worth it.


Well-known member
I hate going to the gym. I'm totally a closet exerciser. lol. I feel much more comfortable working out in my own home than in front of tons of people.


Well-known member
For any women that want to go to the gym but are afraid. Curves is a very comfortable place to be. All women and very friendly. It's a good place to start.


Well-known member
i think what helps me when i go down the gym is most people are there for the same reason - insecurities.
everyone seems ok - i go 2-3 times a week and love the feeling afterwards,bring on those crazy endorphins!!


Well-known member
Ayla said:
Anyone else out there afraid of working out in public? Since I've discovered that I have an anxiety disorder, I'm able to see how ridiculous it is for me to be afraid to go to the gym, I went to the university with work out clothes, shoes and even extra socks, but I couldn't bring myself to go to the gym....It's so silly.
hiya Ayla... i work out every day...but in my basement :twisted: ...i could never go to the gym and work out in front of everybody....and have to sign up and wait for machines...yikes.... :roll:


Active member
I feel absolutley no anxiety at the gym, mostly because I know that everyone who goes to the gym is self-concious. They are at the gym because they arent happy with their bodies and are working on changing something!

Plus no one in the gym knows you, so go in there with the attitude that your the most confident person in the world, and you dont give a shit about anyone. Just smile and say hey to people and act like whoever you want. Personally, I like to act like a hippie sometimes, and other times I act like one of my friends who is real out going.

You can be whoever you want because they don't know you and you will never see them outside of the gym!

HAhaha those idiots at the gym will be like damn who is that person and why is he/she so fucking confident?


Well-known member
After months of saying I will and failing, I finally decided to join a gym course. I have to pay for it, so i knew i would go since if i didnt go i would feel the guilt as i use my parents money to live. I am sure this sounds a bit immature thing to do but it works!
Anyway, I have gone for two classes so far. They were bad initially. I was inxious and evrything, but it did become better near the end. People did look and stare, but i tried my best to ignore it.
I wouldn't say i am confortable with it at all, but it's about time i get rid of my sa :x


Well-known member
I do push-ups and sit-ups alone at home. For the sit-ups, I place my feet under a couch to hold me in place. Works great for me, and I don’t have to pay a fee to use the gym. Having SA, I’m not sure if I’d even go to the gym; because of the money, I always told myself no way. What I really need is the Total Gym – the equipment from Chuck Norris.


Well-known member
I also happen to get everything packed but when Im just about to walk in the Gym I give up. But ive been exercising at home without weights, I get nice cardio on the exercise bike when im at home. But I now go to a Karate institute, if you can spend the cash its a really good on the self-esteem and body. :D If you want to get in shape but dont want to buy anything you could always improvise with using stuff around the house. The important thing is to at least do some kind of exercise than none at all.

I got this book called Combat Conditioning, you basically use your own body wieght to do certain movies that will stretch you and give you practical muscles that wont just look good but give you insane strength. The Total Gym is very good too.