The fairy

The fairy sits all alone
Sitting silently in her home
She rocks softly in her chair
Without anyone to care
No arms comfort her while she cries
Tears flood her bright blue eyes
The fairy is forgotten and unwanted
Her soul feels lonely and haunted
Her wings fade and can no longer fly
Her life slowly passes her by
She is trapped inside a circle of hate
And all she can do is wait
Wait for the sun to rise in her dark mind
Wait for all the things she craves to find
But she will never find warmth or love
Her dreams are caged like a once wild dove
She will forget how she once fought defiantly
And just sit and rock in her chair quietly

I wrote this a while ago, so the structure isn't great, but I kinda like the imagery.

Naomi xx


Well-known member
The Gloominous Doom

Let me introduce an old friend of mine. In the dark depths of depression, the Gloominous Doom despairs and moans, "I can't do it," slump shouldered, his wings leaking drips of light. He holds the globe of clear thinking unexamined behind him. The globe contains all his lost hopes, turned heavy with his pessimism. "It's too late now," he sighs wearily. "It's all behind me now."

Ask him to toss that hope forward, where it becomes a perfect sphere. Step into it, protected and secure in the light of clarity and the shuffling step of the Gloominous Doom becomes the dance of the Luminous Loon.

Got that from a Brian Foud book. It's my fairy.