The Exposure Thread


Well-known member
I wanted to make a thread where people can slowly expose themselves and share it and hopefully get support, or have others do the same things "with" them and share it or something. Somebody on youtube (after seeing the clip in the "fun things to do to beat SA" forum) was talking about how they were only able to expose themselves because they had people following their process and small exposures...
I'm going to try and expose myself once a day.. It'll probably start as something really minor. I hope others will join in :D I'm freaking scared already and I don't know what i'm even going to expose myself to..
Dude, If you start, I'll definately join. What do you have in mind? :D

I saw something on here about someone talking to random beautiful girls and saying a compliment or something... what do you think about that? :D


Well-known member
Haha I knew you'd be up for it!
Wow that sounds like quite the step... It's a little more difficult for me because i'm a lesbian, so if I hit on a straight girl...extra awkward!
BUT.... if you're in i'm in.


Well-known member
Haha I knew you'd be up for it!
Wow that sounds like quite the step... It's a little more difficult for me because i'm a lesbian, so if I hit on a straight girl...extra awkward!
BUT.... if you're in i'm in.

If you hit on me (a straight girl) I'd be totally flattered!

Anyway, I'm up for this!

Anyone know what happened to that 1000 rejections thread? I can't seem to find it.


Well-known member
If you hit on me (a straight girl) I'd be totally flattered!

Anyway, I'm up for this!

Anyone know what happened to that 1000 rejections thread? I can't seem to find it.

Yay :D another partaker.
And you're right, i'm sure all it'll do is bring flattery.

I remember that thread... that was actually in the back of my mind when I posted this. Hmmm... probably wayyy far back somewhere
So... you actually want to do the "compliment a random beautiful girl" thing?

Sorry, I didn't know you were lesbian :D. That does make it harder for you, huh? How about we start with something smaller first? ;)

I want to try that running through as store thing... seems simple enough - I think I could do that :cool:. What do you think? You got any ideas?

And yes, having "followers" and people that are doing the same thing that you are definately does help... I feel more comfortable and inspired in doing this knowing that you will too ;) or that it might inspire someone.
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Well-known member
Yeah it'd probably be a good idea to start smaller lol.

I went out today, thinking...hmmm maybe if I can manage the guts I will do the random compliment a beautiful girl thing.
I started by asking what the time was from 3 people (which was surprisingly hard to do in busy downtown Vancouver, where many of the people were cracked out, literally... I had somebody shooting up next to me in the bathroom i'm pretty sure.) ANYWAYS.... I asked for the time from 3 (sober) people. And theenn.. I decided I would test myself by going into the Raw Cafe I've been staring down for months. (gorilla foods, for anybody who lives in Vancouver) EEEK k, it didn't seem like a big challenge at first, but once I stared at the entrance into the dimly lit and "comfy"-small area with only 3 tiny tables, well of course my nerves were shot. Especially bcause I've never eaten out alone, let alone in a place where I'm going to respect and idealize EVERYBODY for their raw-veganism (which I could never stick to). I walked past the place once, and out of stupidity decided to walk all the way around the block because I hate turning back in crowds ... Paranoia. So, walking in was the hardest part. Most of the people there were regulars seeing that raw veganism is a pretty contained movement at the moment.. So the lady asked me if this was my first time there and my name, etc, of course the people were all very friendly, energetic and talkative (with clear skin glowing eyes and thick hair... damn those raw vegans and their health!) so that made me a bit intimidated..and I admit I felt hideous and small compared to these people. I have troubles with eating in public, also, so..... eating my raw pesto "noodles" (which was amazing, by the way :O) was VERY awkward for me.. I had weird feelings of sickness, more related to the gross feeling I get when eating in public, and unbearable guilt or shame for some unknown reason, I think I felt undeserving of "taking" a meal. Leaving is a hard thing for me to do also, just vanishing without a word, but I didn't have the guts to yell a Goodbye or something..

then I went to chapters, grabbed a book on raw food and read in public, which is something I also have troubles with, concentrating when people are watching me. I read until I was able to be absorbed by the book despite the people. Then jumped back on the bus, (despite my hatred for busses i've grown used to them) where some guy who I'm sure was on drugs started talking to me about all the letters in the alphabet...... awkward... but it made me smile...despite the fact that he was either drunk or drugged up... I tried to hide behind my book the rest of the way.

May I mention that the most ****ing beautiful people work at Gorilla Foods... I think i'm in love with every bearded glowing person in that kitchen. But more importantly, I saw the most beautiful girl o_o (gaydar was telling me she had a good chance of being a lesbian, also..) and that's when I realized, there is no way i'm going to be able to go up to somebody like that and even speak to them yet lol..i'd be surprised if EVER.. but that is going to be my final exposure.. speaking to her.

So yeah, EasySkankin... Let's hold that particular exposure off! I'm having trouble finding something moderately challenging.... Asking for the time in a sea of faces was hard enough for me. I agree, running through the supermarket is something I want to try. I've also thought of painting my face before I go out, or wearing a sign.. that'd be such a nightmare though! But it must be done...

Want to start with running through the supermarket? Things tend to seem much easier to me when I'm sitting at my house.

By the way, I'd like for you both to tell me your names :)

Sorry for the text-wall :eek:
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First of all, my name is Carlos. What's yours?

I read your entire post and I can't help but smile :). I'm very proud and happy for you doing those things. It gives me the confidence that you are as ready as I am to take on this exposure thing (and just as scared). Talking to pretty girls is scary huh? We'll get there... let's start small first.

I'm all for running through the supermaket... I think I know just the one (I always get anxious about people looking at me when I go there). Hell, I'll even record it just like that guy. So can I get a confirmation then, that you will do it?

Let's do this - we have a week to attempt our feat(s)... we must do it before this time or we "fail" and the other person "wins"! (Hey let's make it competitive :D) Lol... okay?


Well-known member
Nice to meet you Carlos :D Name's Sabrina. -tips imaginary hat-

I'm surprised you read that all.. :)

One week, sounds perfect. Just the right amount of time to pick my location and gather my nerves, lol it sounds like i'm planning to bomb the place.

Confirmation... I promise. I hope that's confirmation enough :).. well unless I "fail" of course, but I'm going to do my best to "win" :p

You're on!>=] Goodluck
EDIT: I'd love if you were able to record it :O of course no pressure if not. As long as we do it.. I have no workable camera so thankgod


Well-known member
Haha I would love to join in, but my mom would never let me run through a grocery store.
YouTube - Movie_0004.wmv

Allright... I did it! :D Lol, I just realized that being nervous makes me sound gay - it makes my voice all high pitched and cracked like a girl - it also thickens my accent, oh well ;) [I was very nervous in this video - if you couldn't tell already]

Here it is! RAWR... I so feel like I could do that again without feeling nervous. Damn, this exposure therapy really does work. Running through a store like that with people staring at you doesn't seem scary to me at all anymore :D. w0000t! Your turn!

Good luck! (It's really easy!!!)
I can't believe I did this lol! Anyway, it's too late to "undo" it now :D

Ugh, such ****ty quality with youtube! Whyyyyy...? :rolleyes: I also want to add, that I already feel less anxious because of this... I went to 7/11 a little while ago and I feel more comfortable. Hurray! :D
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Well-known member
Oh my goodness! You guys are awesome! Good for both you!
I think I'll stick with asking random strangers what time it is...Heh. :p
It's nice to know that as you were going about your day/running, nobody was paying you much attention.
And, Carlos, you seem very comfortable on camera! I didn't sense any nerves. Even just rambling to the camera alone in my room is enough to make my cheeks turn bright red!
May I ask what you did while you waited for your food, Sabrina? I think that would be the awkward part for me...Sitting there alone not knowing what to do with myself. In situations like that I pull out my cell and pretend to text people. :rolleyes:

Also, I just found this guys youtube channel. He has a few exposure videos. One of them that I thought was interesting was going into a busy shopping center type place and just standing up on one of the benches as people around him look up and wonder what he's doing. He also went into a bar or restaurant by himself and pretended to drop some of the utensils as a type of shame exposure. When he did, he looked around and not one person looked back at him!

I'm Kyla by the way. :)
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^ Hey! Those are good ideas... I'll see how Sabrina feels about that. First things first though, she still has to run through the store ;)


Well-known member
Wow, props to both of you two! Those are some pretty couragious feats there - and great vid Carlos! I've been working on exposures for the past month as per my CBT group and it's been extremely helpful. A few of my notable exposures were deliberately dropping a folder of loose papers in the middle of a busy foodcourt and walking backwards at a crosswalk ::p:.
Nice!! Those sound like good ideas as well. We could definately use some ideas... this is my first time doing this, so I dont' really know what to expose myself to :D Thx