The "easy" way out


Well-known member
I dunno, I've had thoughts of suicide lately. I'm 23, never experienced a relationship, barely had friends growing up because I was too wrapped up in my own head.

I missed out of the prime of life, that's my own fault and I don't expect or want pity. I just want someone to...empathize I guess. I don't want someone to say "it gets better" b/c it doesn't.

I'm still planning on registering for college summer classes, ironically. But, I feel like I was made to be a failure. Everyone is pretty much aware of this harsh reality, some are born with worth, others aren't.

Don't get me wrong, this world is a great, amazing beautiful place, for the lucky few. I am not lucky.


i read a few threads/ posts from you and i don't hate you for them..anyway, please don't kill yourself, you're better off alive than dead. i'm sorry things are hard for you. i feel sad sometimes too because i feel like my life's passing me by, so i guess maybe i can relate a bit. i'm 15 and don't have any friends, apart from my family, or any real social life. but i think things may get better. i'm trying to be "strong" and hopeful.. (next year i'll have a chance of making some new friends)
also, you're only 23 years old! that's real young! sure, you're not a teenager, but you're a young adult and there's lots to live for. you mightn't have a social life now but that can come in time. just carry on doing stuff. you should do that college summer class if you'd like it.
(also apparently there's there's lots of people who thought they were failures and most people (if not everyone) though they were just a loser, but they became really succesful later.)
please try to have faith in yourself. you seem intelligent. even if you aren't the most happy person yourself, you can help make other people happy. there's people who need help with things (eg, poor people, disabled people) and you can help them. you have the power to make life better for somebody else. when you're dead who knows if you'll be of any use to anyone?
take care
(ps i'm a little bit stupid i guess so sorry if some of this sounded kinda dumb..but please don't give up on your life.)


Well-known member
It takes tremendous psychological strength and emotional fitness to cope with social anxiety for a large portion of your life. Once social anxiety is overcome, the emotional fitness and psychological strength remains and provides amazing potential for future achievements and success.

Don't give in just yet, there might just be something incredible up your sleeve.