The Davinci Hoax


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I've read the Da Vinci Code and I love it. Sorry I couldn't be bothered to read all the posts here so I'm just going to blabber away...

I was introduced to the Da Vinci COde by one of my Christian friends. He recommended it and I am glad he did. Not for the factual value (i.e. zero) but for the entertainment and suspense.

On another site I frequent, a poll was put up on whether or not people believe in the davinci code. I was surprised that there were some yes votes.


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elaine said:
Us christians we believe that God sent his only begotten son, Jesus to save us. And we have every right to be offended by the Da Vinci Code

You believe this because you know it to be true, or what you have been told to be true?

Hey look it's Young. He's making a post again. If anyone even remembers him?

I lurk every now and then. I just felt like commenting on this topic. I find this whole Da Vinci Code conspiracy theory funny.


Well-known member
Really, the Da Vinci Code never would have gotten as big as it did without all the (obnoxiously) vocal christian groups and their campaigns to stop people from reading it. It was an interesting book but there was nothing in it that would shatter anybody's beliefs or anything. There are books that are far more damaging to christian teachings than this one and I never hear about them from the usual christian groups.


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B said:
Really, the Da Vinci Code never would have gotten as big as it did without all the (obnoxiously) vocal christian groups and their campaigns to stop people from reading it.

Partly true, though I'm a Christian, I think how the Christian is campaigning to defend the truth to non-Christian in fact makes them want to watch more. I think it's more appropriate to just educate among the Christian themselves what's in contrary to the Christian faith there. For those non-Christian, I don't think they will bother to listen.


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i watched it yesterday, althought i didnt expect much it was a big disappointment. so boring.


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dzerklis said:
i watched it yesterday, althought i didnt expect much it was a big disappointment. so boring.

If you have the chance try and read the book it's much better.


Well-known member
dzerklis said:
one thing i dont understand, why you christians always think youre right, and that whats written in bible is truth, because its not.

dzerklis, for the same reason you think you're right. :D

Mary has given a site on her 1st post which she explains proves how the da vinci code is false.
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jinxed said:
dzerklis said:
one thing i dont understand, why you christians always think youre right, and that whats written in bible is truth, because its not.

dzerklis, for the same reason you think you're right :D
Nope, here's the situation:
Person A claims that his belief must be true, but person B replies that he cannot share this belief because person A has not provided any evidence to make his belief sufficiently likely.

I couldn't let this shoddy logic pass... :wink:


Well-known member
The Danvinci code is a work of fiction plain and simply.It should not need a big warning sign saying it is work of fiction and people should not have to be told that either in the first place. :roll:


Well-known member
From the man himself:

Dan Brown said:
The Da Vinci Code is a novel and therefore a work of fiction. While the book's characters and their actions are obviously not real, the artwork, architecture, documents, and secret rituals depicted in this novel all exist (for example, Leonardo Da Vinci's paintings, the Gnostic Gospels, Hieros Gamos, etc.). These real elements are interpreted and debated by fictional characters. While it is my belief that some of the theories discussed by these characters may have merit, each individual reader must explore these characters' viewpoints and come to his or her own interpretations. My hope in writing this novel was that the story would serve as a catalyst and a springboard for people to discuss the important topics of faith, religion, and history.


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cLavain said:
I couldn't let this shoddy logic pass... :wink:

Probably due to my poor reading comprehension, possibly due to my very weak grasp of my own native language, and quite likely due to my complete lack of logical skills, I really can't make much sense of the above quote, cLavain.

I was under the impression that jinxed was saying she thinks she's right for the same basic reason anyone else would think they're right. You follow up with person B disagreeing with person A because of lack of evidence. Somewhere in this I think I missed pretty much all the premises and I'm sure I missed the conclusion. I would be tickled pink if you could find the time to explain to me what logic you were referring to as being shoddy. Please be patient with me. I'm a very very simple person. :oops:


Well-known member
Good use of irony there, B!

You're right, I probably shouldn't have used the word logic. I couldn't find an appropriate term for what I wanted to say. Sorry about that.

I really just wanted to say that to believe in something carries a certain responsibility with it, you have to be able to point to some sort of evidence to support it. Not believing on the other is nothing more than being unconvinced by the available evidence. Therefore, the two positions are not equal, as jinxed implied (though, her sentence is admittedly open to interpretation).


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cLavain said:
The book, "The Bible" has been around for some time and I just wanted to remind people or tell people who don't know that this book is FICTION, and highly offensive to humanists and people of other faiths in general. I say this because not everyone knows what it is about,(its true)
and might go read it thinking its a good, "sensible" book or something. And I would hate for those people who thought that way to go and read that garbage w/out knowing what it is first. Especially any rationalists or believers in mankind. This book is about a deity that supposedly created the world in six days, and that sends people to a good place called "heaven" or a nasty place called "hell" when they die. This "god" is described as a rather capricious and vindictive character. Allegedly, man was thrown out of a heavenly place called Eden for eating an apple (sic).
This book is full of lies that I hope people don't take as truth. For an example of the lies in the book please go to this site:
Hope this helps.

*dons flame-proof suit* :)

This is the best post I have ever seen. You are god.


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jinxed said:
Septor said:
The Danvinci code is a work of fiction plain and simply.It should not need a big warning sign saying it is work of fiction and people should not have to be told that either in the first place. :roll:

I never said anything about a big warning sign. I was considering the possibility of why others were offended by the movie and book so that is why I mentioned that just probably they should make a note of it in the beginning. So nothing absolute. That's all. I did not say they had to make it extra font size or bold.

Actually Jinxed that comment was not targeted towards you.I was simply saying that people should have enough sense to tell the difference between a fiction or nonfiction book,on both side of the argument.Nothing in that book is new,all he did was re-wrapped some old legends and using it to try to defend there stance is ridiculous.

That being said I think im changing my mind as sad as it is it mite be best if there was a a page at the beginning of the book say it's fiction.Seeing how there's people in the world that seem to have a problem getting it. :roll: :roll: :roll:


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jinxed said:
cLavain, I believe both sides are equal enough and have their evidences and arguments of whether the bible/God/Jesus is real. One side believes it's not real because they simply don't see it, or God did not actually come down in a form and tell them. The other side believes b/c they have documented history evidence, and books that support it and then finally faith is left to finish off. So you can't say the other side doesn't have evidence.
LA-girl as one example, already mentioned in the religious debate about happenings that happened in real life, in order as said in the bible, and how it can't be such a coincidence and that there are more incidences to come or that will come. That is my explanation.
Hi jinxed,
I actually regret commenting on this now because 1) the post may have come across as more aggressive than it was meant, 2) it's best to keep it in the Religious Debate thread, and 3) I just can't be bothered to do another endless debate at this time and I'm tired of repeating myself.

Suffice it to say, I disagree. :)


Well-known member
hi cLavain,

That's ok although shoddy + Logic = insulting/rude! lol which does not need to be mentioned automatically but it's the true meaning that counts :D