The Breakfast Club II


Well-known member
if any of you have seen the breakfast club, you've seen the scene where they're all "bonding" sitting in a circle learning about each other and they all have these odd talents like claire putting on lipstick with her boobs, etc.

soooo i was thinking, this board is kinda like how the breakfast club was, lots of totally different people brought together at one time. so anyone have any cool tricks or interesting facts about yourself? :D

i can wiggle my ears, dislocate my shoulder, five earrings in each ear and a tattoo on my foot and back that are both star-relate, and i hate the feeling of walking on dry sand at the beach with bare feet, it has to be wet sand.


ok so maybe they don't have to be so interesting but yall get the picture :wink: please post anyway even if you don't think it's neat!


Well-known member
I can tape all your buns together. Just kidding...
I can do this thing with my eyes, but I never do 'cause it hurts.
Uh... my psychologist thinks I'm delusional 'cause I said I could learn Japanese without a sensei (teacher).
I have two lip piercings that everyone I know hates.
I've had a few dreams come true, and I have lucid dreams and episodes of sleep paralysis.
I broke some ribs when I was about 11/12 by slipping and hitting my side on the edge of the bath, and when I told the doctor, she looked at me like I was an idiot and the first person ever to do that. She made me repeat it. Twice.


Well-known member
So I'm trying to think of something cool and funky I can do, but came up with nothing :cry: :cry: :cry: (but I do want a tatoo :lol: ) O.K. wait, I can make us a really cool refreshing tofu shake with fruit :wink: Want some???


Well-known member
I can hold my breath for just under 4 minutes. 3 minutes and 52 seconds is my current record.


Well-known member
cool things

I can feed a liquorice lace or a length of thin elastic band up my nose and have it come out my mouth! I also have premonition dreams, some minor and some major. I don't entirly understand it but I accept it.


Well-known member
cool things

I can feed a liquorice lace or a length of thin elastic band up my nose and have it come out my mouth! I also have premonition dreams, some minor and some major. I don't entirly understand it but I accept it.


Well-known member
- I have near perfect pitch. Ask me a note, and I can sing it for you at the proper pitch from memory.

- At night, just before I fall asleep, I can sometimes 'mentally' wander through my house and view everything in picture-perfect detail as if I were actually there; the experience is quite surreal.

- I can orgasm without ejaculating. It's ultra-intense, though, and very physically draining... not something you want to do too often!

- I have very lucid dreams too, and I remember them in great detail. Seems to be a common theme here.


Well-known member
think about it for a loooong time and make sure you're happy with the transfer!!! doesn't hurt if you're nervous. if you go in chill it's uncomfortable. and you can never go wrong with stars!!


Well-known member
i just discovered last night what the funny feeling in my toe is that i get sometimes. i can dislocate it! haha...its was interesting. some people find this weird - i can crack my neck, back, hands, elbows, knees and toes. one after the other. :lol:
and also just recently i had a dream that came true the next day and i sometimes have lucid dreams...i love those. makes me feel good.
latley i seem to have a very good talent of bashing my head into poles. :roll:


Well-known member
Hmm, I should really start reading these older threads they're quite interesting.

Let me see: I can juggle.

The end. :(

I need grumblina to teach me how to tie a knot in a cherry stem, that would be so useful. :wink:


Well-known member
mmmm let me see - i can flare my nostrils, bend my left wrist back so my thumb lays flat against it, bend my left thumb right back beyond 90 degrees - used to gross my friends out with it when were sitting in assembly - and touch my tongue to my nose.


Well-known member
Nah black_mamba it's only my left hand that's all weird and over flexible. Can't see a left handed contortionist act doing all that well - never know, could flare my nostrils and touch my nose with my tongue at the same time. Would love to be able to juggle like you though.