The Art of Breathing


Well-known member
Does anybody here use breathing to help them proactively deal with situations? If so, how do you do it.


Well-known member
I just breathe deep from the diaphram - i take a big deep breath and hold it and then release nice and slowly - i do it until i am a bit more relaxed. I find that if i breath in quickly and shallowly it only makes me more anxious.


Well-known member
So thats you doing that you creep, cut it out now, or I will sick my husband and kids onto you! :wink:

Seriously though, I have to remind myself to take a deep breath sometimes and I find it does help me relax my posture.


Well-known member
I always considered breathing techniques a bit of hype, but I went snorkelling the other day and panicked. It was only after I forced myself to breathe at regular intervals rather than gasping into the mouthpiece that I began to calm down. So yes, it really did help in that situation. It's not something I feel the need to look into though, because I woud rarely have panic attacks before, and none nowdays in the agoraphobia department.


Well-known member
Deep breath is heart's brakes...
before i talk to my teacher or ask a question i count to ten and have a deep breath. It works most of the time. :wink: