tensed body.. painful because of stress


Do you also experience a tensed body when you feel no good?
My legs and arms ( especially my arms) start to feel really tensed
and it hurts alot. This happens especially when I been at a big social event or a social situation.. Or If I feel sad.
Or most hardest is.. When It happens if i'm in a social situation.
I have troubles with unbending, like relaxing the body..
I always sit in a tensed position..
It hurts alot.. Cuz I bend the muscles all the time ::(:


Well-known member
My legs and chest go really tight when i'm out in public places and surrounding by alot of people. ::(: my legs tense so much that i feel like i can't feel them anymore :eek: and have to sit down.


Well-known member
the thing that helps me is to go for a run or workout before a social situation. it makes my muscles feel tired but also more alive so I don't lose touch with my body. it also helps me to concentrate. and when i was younger it helped me to feel better about the way I looked. oh to be 18 again.