teens with anxiety


hey wud lyk 2 knw if there are any other teens who suffer from panic attacks & anxiety?

i was diagnosed in sep 2006 with depression, anxiety & panic attacks. it all started when i was bullied at school. i had to leave school at the start of my final year and was put into a special school for kids with emotional issues, and as a result missed out on my gcses and going to college/6th form. its been the worst time of my life since then. i dont have qualifications and spend most of my days at home with nothing to do. thankfully my life has improved now. i have a wonderful boyfriend and really good understanding family and friends. they've hepled alot. i've had therapy for a year and 1/2 now and it has helped. most days i feel upset and angry at myself for having anxiety. i wud lyk 2 talk to other teens who are kinda in the same way as me..


Active member
i went through lots of bullying and abuse and im crippled from leaving my house. i missed 2 years of school and in order to graduate ill have to be 20. my biggest problem is acne and if i didnt have it i would be able to expose myself. im not using this as a crutch because before my acne got bad i was going out all the time. im glad a teen started a teen thread for once.


acne + scarring was/is definately a factor for me

i agree with the previous post. acne hindered my ability to open up to people because i didnt want anyone to know anything baout me. Today with scars and after a course of accutane.. i am only slowly trying to go out bare faced and live. NOT EASY. and i did not get it mildly. it was a sevre trauma for me.. and has affected my entire life

i now live with tremendous anxiety and fear
that very few really understand