Tea soaking warning


New member
I've suffered from hyperhidrosis since I went to University. I got it under control with Driclor about 1 1/2 later. All was well.
I had sweaty feet too which were stinking out the place because I went abroad to a hotter climate. So I saw this thing on Oprah about dipping your feet in tea for 15 mins a night, and that would eliminate the smell. Well it did, and my fungal infection which I had also went away. But then I got palmer hyperhidrosis really bad. Which also was combined with heat intolerance. I'd feel really hot. unless in air con was on. Then ass started to sweat, but the hands became not too bad unless anxious or holding on to something. Everything not so bad now I'm back in the home country.
So I put it all down to the Oprah cure.
My advice is to not do this! Just in case that caused my change in symptoms. Has anyone else tried this? What hppened?