Taking the first step to go to a doctor


New member
Ooo it looks like I'm taking over the bulliten board...2 posts in a row! How did everyone go about building up the courage to see their doctors to get a proper diagnosis? And what did they say, what were the doctors like etc? I feel like I need to prepare myself...


Active member
I went to my doctor but he said that with mental illnesses it is best to visit the hospital and ask for a crisis councilor because they can then set you up with someone faster. I don't know what it's like in other countries, but here in Canada, it seems like the hospitals the way to go.
As for the things they asked me...
Fiest they asked if I was suicidal or had a desire to hurt anyone around me. From what I know that question is madatory, just to make sure that you aren't going to harm yourself or anyone else. Then they just asked if anything significant has happend in my life. What kind of family life I have? Do I use drugs or drink alcohol? How am I feeling? Why I think these feelings are there? How I deal with these feelings? What I usualy do in a day? Then they give you some suggestions on how to try and deal with things until you can get further help.
Well, I wish you the best and hope you can find help soon. Just a word of advice, for some finding help is hard but never give up!