taking responsibility - being responsible


Is anyone else having this problem of not being responsible?

I know I do.

I don't know if it's a social phobia or just the fact that I'm maybe a weak, lazy person or maybe just young...but I know I'm not responsible.

I have problems with leaving my house and usually I just feel a lot better if I'm staying at home instead of going places, even school.
It really sucks because I know I'm doing the wrong thing but it's like I can't help it.
It's like I feel people will be mean to me or something..
Hard to decribe it but I just feel MUCH better if I stay at home.

Can you relate to this?

Do you feel like a bad person sometimes if you can relate to this?

I mean, I know what's the right thing...but I guess I'm just a coward or something because all of that is so much easier said than done.


Well-known member
I don't think your situation is unusal at all, especially for somebody with SA. It is a lot less worrysome to stay at home than go places. Kind of like sticking with familiarity is the most comfortable thing? Like you feel better being somewhere that you know is safe and familiar.
I don't think that feeling mkaes you lazy or irresponsible, but you can always set is as a goal (maybe a long-term goal, being comfortable with leaving home isn't the easiest thing to do) if you feel it's a big problem.

Good luck with this -- you're not just being irresponsible or lazy!

forgive any typos... it's 5am :x


Well-known member
Hmm Well I have issues with being assertive. Which is obviously affected by my SA. Which effects my ability to be responsible. Some times I know I need to take care of something like a bill or setting up car insurance or what ever and I kind of procrastinate not because I'm lazy but because I'm so full of anxiety about having to deal with someone about it. I'v gotten better but it's still hard. I actually worked phone support for a while and I think that helped my ability to deal with people on the phone a bit but it's still a real bitch and I don't like doing it.


Well-known member
yeah, right now i feel pressure to be out on my own. i'm going to be a junior in college next year and i don't even have a job right now :?

but lately i've been wanting to get an apartment but i'm just worried i won't find a low stress job. retails' really my only option