Take every negative thought captive


New member
I've had social phobia for as long as i can remember, since childhood (as most of you have). But there is hope. After all these years I have greatly improved. It is still a daily struggle. I'm studying to be a psychologist myself some day so I'm going to try my best to overcome my fears completely so that I can help others like yourselves. The main thing that has helped me is taking every negative thought captive or as many as I can. Sometimes it can be difficult in this world with everything that goes on around us, life is very busy and so are our minds. But it is very important to challenge negative thoughts and lies that come into our minds. When tested with logic we will find these thoughts are usually irrational, false assumptions that are not worth dwelling on. We must face our fears and not attack ourselves if it doesn't go perfectly. No one is perfect, socially or otherwise. Exercise is awesome for reducing anxiety. I can't get enough of it. Meditation also helps-although i haven't mastered it yet. This is a high maintenance disorder that needs daily attention. (changing the negatives to positives). It is important to remember that phobias are curable. People can be cruel sometimes, but at the end of the day it doesn't really matter. At the end of our lives, we should be able to say we have no regrets and that we've tried our best to overcome our fears. Don't suffer alone, seek out a therapist who can help you (and sometimes you have to shop around to find the right one). Best wishes to all of you. Stay optimistic even when it seems easier to wallow in suffering. It is possible to re-wire your mind and be free from this fear. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you. Don't give up. You all have my admiration and respect for your strength and courage. :D