Switching medications


Well-known member
I remember at the end of last year and the beginning of this year was the lowest point of my life. Coming to university was a massive shock to my system as people keep telling me.

I started medication, I am now on 60mg of citalopram and yeah its been a MASSIVE change! more than I ever thought. Everyone see's a difference. The only problem is I'm on the highest and now I feel no effect :( I'm not going backwards as such just I want to improve a bit more I suppose and I am starting to have my break downs once again :sad:

If I was to go doctors and ask to switch would it be a good idea? like I been off the medication for 3 weeks now :( due to never having time to go doctors and the withdrawal side effects are going but is it worth coming off completely. I want to try something else but I don't know what they will give me though and can I say what medication I want to try next or is that a bit too much?