Sweaty Palms solutions


Shannonbowling from youtube's machine works for my sweaty palms, but I'm going to college next year, so I won't be able to do iontophoresis. So now I need a different solution.

Luckily for me, I don't have social anxiety with my excess sweating. I'm pretty outgoing. But my hands used to sweat in ALL social situations, but my pits and face would only sweat when I was nervous.

I've noticed that meditating reduces palm sweating a good deal for me IN THE MORNINGS. But when it starts for the day, it goes back to normal. My hands will be utterly dry until I get a slight bit nervous, and then they'll start sweating, and they'll be sweating in regular situations for the rest of the day.

I wish ETS worked without compensatory sweating, but whatever. I know there are drugs, but I've heard about bad side effects.

It seems now, that my options are:

-anti-sweating drugs. I've heard about side effects though.
-ETS. Again, side-effects.

Any other ideas?

EDIT: And it seems to me I don't really have hyperhidrosis per se, more just social sweating. Even when this social interaction occurs ON THE PHONE, or through TEXT MESSAGES, or OVER FACEBOOK. THATS NOT NORMAL.
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Well-known member
And it seems to me I don't really have hyperhidrosis per se, more just social sweating. Even when this social interaction occurs ON THE PHONE, or through TEXT MESSAGES, or OVER FACEBOOK. THATS NOT NORMAL.

No that isn't normal, it's hyperhidrosis. I believe social phobia has little to do with it, but if you have had HH long enough and severely enough, social situations become less enjoyable which is why HH sufferers might avoid them (not because they have an unhealthy fear for the situation, but because the sweating makes it so that it isn't really enjoyable, which it would otherwise be if there were no sweating).

Anyway, I think ETS is not the way to go. Since it seems you are in the US, you might try robinul. If it's an ionto machine and it really works for you, you might consider taking it with you nonetheless. I know that's easier said than done because I've been there. In my case I shared an appartment just for one semester when I was abroad and kept the machine from the others...just too much weirdness to explain. Sad but true. Luckily the situation is a little different over here. Distances are way smaller, so most students actually go home for the weekend. But if you're going to be at your college for a long time and get to know the students you live with better, it's probably worth it to take the machine and use it. If the others are weird towards ionto they'd probably be weird towards hh as well, so screw em. More likely though, it'll be fine with them if you bring it well...which according to you won't be too much of a problem.
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No that isn't normal, it's hyperhidrosis. I believe social phobia has little to do with it, but if you have had HH long enough and severely enough, social situations become less enjoyable which is why HH sufferers might avoid them (not because they have an unhealthy fear for the situation, but because the sweating makes it so that it isn't really enjoyable, which it would otherwise be if there were no sweating).

I think that social anxiety (I don't know anything about social phobia, forgive me if I say something stupid) has almost everything to do with it FOR ME.

Well...I'm a pretty social person. I really don't think it's hyperhidrosis. No offense, but you shouldn't slap diseases on other people situation's that you don't know.

They sweat when I'm nervous, and when I meditate, they don't sweat much. Sweaty palms isn't an inherent part of who I am. It's controllable.

Hell, when I smoke weed I'm not anxious, I don't get sweaty palms. And I doubt very much that weed has any sort of anti-sweating mechanism.

I am NOT going to be electrocuting myself everyday in 10 years. Unacceptable (lol denial acceptance barganing...)
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Well-known member
I think that social anxiety (I don't know anything about social phobia, forgive me if I say something stupid) has almost everything to do with it FOR ME.

Well...I'm a pretty social person. I really don't think it's hyperhidrosis. No offense, but you shouldn't slap diseases on other people situation's that you don't know.

They sweat when I'm nervous, and when I meditate, they don't sweat much. Sweaty palms isn't an inherent part of who I am. It's controllable.

Hell, when I smoke weed I'm not anxious, I don't get sweaty palms. And I doubt very much that weed has any sort of anti-sweating mechanism.

I am NOT going to be electrocuting myself everyday in 10 years. Unacceptable (lol denial acceptance barganing...)

Well, in the end it doesn't really matter what you want to call it and of course, since the definite cause of excessive sweating remains unknown nobody can say it definitely isn't social anxiety...However, I'm just saying the description you're giving is the definition of what people call hyperhidrosis.

Think about it...is it really just social situations?

What about when you're going for a walk outside and then go inside, do you start sweating then by any chance? Some tingling in those hands, maybe? But there's nobody around, so it can't be just social...right?
What about when you're watching a sports game on TV that you get dragged into, just alone in front of the TV, is there any sweating then...?

In my case, everything that would make any person sweat a little (temperature change, excitement, anger...whatever) makes me sweat a lot, excessively if you like, or in other words hyperhidrosis. But there are still times when the sweating is much less, or even absent. In fact most people with HH don't have continuous sweating at the same level...That is not to say it's controllable (for me), cause when I get in some situations the sweating is always there, no matter what. But since those situations also include the finer things in life, I can't control the sweating by avoiding everything that I want to do, because of the sweating (which is, again, easier said than done though), which means, every day I'm going to be in situations where the excessive sweating is bothering me, a lot and to me, that's what constitutes (?) hyperhidrosis.
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This forum is the first time I've heard of hyperhidrosis. I guess it's because I live in Miami, and it's always hot and humid as hell so everyone's sweating constantly and it's normal lol... I always get freezing after a lot of sweating, I imagine it must suck for people who live in cold areas!