Sweaty betty, hidden lifes hyperhidrosis documentary

Hello all,

Just to let everyone know that the documetary I took part in for hyperhidrosis is being aired tonight. I am also starting up a support group for this. I have advertised about social phobia world

My group is called sweaty_betty07 thru google groups. I named the documentary as this is a nick name my family has given me:)
The documentary will be aired in USA some time this year but we have no set dates. It's about time the world knows about this afflicting medical condition and at last we are getting the advertisement we deserve.
Hyperhidrosis now has a voice.
Thanks and hope to see you there....Anne aka geordielasstx



Channel 5 (fiver) UK May 1st @ 9.00pm
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sweaty betty: hidden lives

It is often remarked that ladies do not sweat, they perspire – yet some women really do suffer from a medical condition that provokes near-constant sweating. Hyperhidrosis can lead to frequent embarrassment and discomfort as even simple activities leave sufferers dripping wet. Hidden Lives meets the women who struggle with this rarely acknowledged condition and follows their individual journeys in search of a solution.

Among the women featured is American Anne Schouveller, who has become an expert in hyperhidrosis since being diagnosed with it seven years ago. She has set up a website called ‘Sweaty Betty’ to raise awareness of the condition. Anne candidly shares her experience of this mortifying affliction, which embarrasses her 12year-old daughter and forces the whole family to adapt their activities around her sweating.

The programme also explores the story of a cheerful 19-year-old woman whose facial sweating impacts on her social life and is aggravated by her job working in a hairdresser’s. Will a course of botox injections end her lifelong struggle with hyperhidrosis?


I was'nt in it but i'm a bloke (well think anyway) lol Both me (25) and my mum suffer from it.
The girls dad had it and so did her grandad as far as i know, There was a documentry ages ago all about hyperhydrosis i think that was on 5 as well.

Anyway.... Really was a good program, its great to see this problem being addressed like that, Seeing that program made me tell a close friend all about my problem which is a big deal to me and he hopefully sat down and watched it and now understands it a little bit better.
You really need to adopt the attitude that the only way to survive it is to be honest and tell people about it and that way at lease they know what your are going though.

As I said my mum suffers from it, She is very bad, quite similer to the lady names anne in the program, but as she is in her 50's it affects her very diferntly than me, it has resulted in very bad arthritus (sp), passing out, very bad feet problems and shoes only last a few weeks befre they basicly rot from the moisture. These are to name a few.

She has adopted the attitude of talking about it so that people understand and trys to have a good sence of humor about it.

But as for me it has only got really bad in the last 5 years, I have said to myself that I am going to be more open and honest about it from now on.
My biggest problem is probobly my forehead, this gets very bad and very embarrising, constant wiping etc. Really my sweating is all over but i try to hide it with certain clothing tho it is very hard to do so in the hot weather.

I could go on forever, but I just wanted to say that its good to see other suffers out there and esp the people in the program, it must have taken some real guts to do that.